Science 8Topic 3: Electricity and MagnetismTest PrepThis document will guide your preparation for the Topic 3 Test.Use the textbook as your resource unless otherwise noted.Anything that you put in your science notebook may be used onthe test, but you will not be able to use this digital document onthe test.1.Ohmโs law shows the relationship between voltage, electric current, and resistance. Youhave applied Ohmโs law with the formula. Define๐?๐?๐๐๐ = ๐ถ???๐?? ยท ๐ ๐?๐??๐?๐๐each of the variables in Ohmโs law.2.Topic 3.1 defines electric fields and Topic 3.2 defines magnetic fields. Make a Venndiagram to compare and contrast electric and magnetic fields.3.How does the magnetic field protect life on Earth?4.How are solenoids and electromagnets similar? Think not just about the similarities intheir structures, but similarities regarding the factors that affect them. How are theydifferent?5.When responding to question 4, you probably observed that one of the factors indetermining the magnetic strength of solenoids and electromagnets is the number ofcoils per meter.6.Illustrate what the field lines around a pair of magnets will look like when a) oppositepoles face each other, and b) like poles face each other. Hypothesize what the field lineswill look like when opposite poles are actually touching.7.Do a web search to investigate what happens when a bar magnet is broken in half.8.Make a list of facts about electromagnetic induction so that you can recognize the truestatements from the answer choices.9.Examine the Figure 3 diagram on page 25. Record the conditions thatincrease/decrease gravitational, electrical, and magnetic potential energy.
10.Current flows from a point of higher potential energy to a point of lower potential energyin a circuit. Which variable in Ohmโs law is changed by increasing the amount of chargeon both plates of a capacitor?11. The Earth has both geographic and magnetic poles. Distinguish between them and theirrelative positions.12. Be familiar with both right-hand rules (when/how to apply each).13. Static electricity can be a weak force that is just strong enough to attract bits of paper toa balloon and a strong force with enough power to kill if a person is struck by lightning.What are the varieties of static electricity and an example of each?14. Know how and when to use right-hand rules 1 and 2.15. What pattern do magnetic field lines form in relation to an electric current?16. Do a web search to look up the device called a versorium. Describe how it operates.