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MTH 108
Jan 11, 2025
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COURSE OUTLINECMTH108, 9J0, Linear Algebra Winter 2025Instructor:Kunquan Lan, Office: ENG229, Tel: 416 979-5000 ext 556962, E-mail: klan@torontomu.caWeb Site:∼klan/Email PolicyStudents are expected to monitor and retrieve messages and information issued to them on a frequentbasis. All official or formal electronic communications from students must be sent from their official TMUEmail account. Emails from other addresses may not be responded to.Calendar Course DescriptionSystems of linear equations, matrices determinants, vectors, geometry, linear transformations, linearindependence, basis, dimension, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, complex numbers, applications(see lecture and Q & A session via Zoom take place from 18:00 - 22:00pm, Wednesdays, beginningWednesday, Jan. 15, 2025, together with the following three Friday nights: Feb. 14, Mar. 21, Apr. 11.Lecture ends on April 9, 2025.The final exam will take place from 18:00-20:00pm on Wednesday, April 16, 2025.Winter Study Week: February 17-21, 2024. There will be no lectures during this week.Print text and eTEXT:Note that full solutions of all the exercise questions can be found inthe Appendix of this book.Linear Algebraby Kunquan Lan (fourth edition), Pearson, 2020.Print text: ISBN: 9780138168407; Price:112You can buy the printed text from the TMU campus store.Digital Option Only:Price:93.95Purchase access code 9780137889181 from TMU Campus Store.Redeem access code at is the ISBN for the access code. Students need to purchase 9780137889181 fromthe TMU Campus Store website.Once they make their purchase they will be emailed their access codewhich they can then redeem at the website: that you may need to retype the underscorein the above link if it doesn’t work.1. Go to
2. In the search box at the bottom of this above website page, click MTH108 (or CMTH108 or MTH141)(Winter 2025) and then click search. There are instructions on how to buy the access code on this page.3. Once students make their purchase, they will be emailed their access codes.4. Then students can go to the website: toredeem for the etext.5. More detailed information on how to order the etext provided the Pearson publisher can be found inthe announcement on D2L.Course Objectives:1. To gain a facility with the basic concepts and techniques of linear algebra.2. To build a strong foundation in linear algebra as preparation for subsequent courses in mathematics,science and engineering.3. To nurture abilities in analytic and creative thinking and problem-solving.Syllabus:We shall study the following sections:Chapter 1: Euclidean spaces, section 1.1-1.4Chapter 2: Matrices, sections 2.1-2.5, 2.7, Skip 2.6Chapter 3: Determinants, sections 3.1-3.4; Skip Theorem 3.3.7, Example 3.3.9 and exercise 4.Chapter 4: Systems of linear equations, sections 4.1-4.6Chapter 5: Linear transformations, sections 5.1-5.3Chapter 6: Planes and lines inR3, sections 6.1-6.3Chapter 7: Bases and dimensions, sections 7.1Chapter 8: Eigenvalues and diagonalizability, sections 8.1-8.2Chapter 10: Complex Numbers, sections 10.1-10.4Topics and Course Schedule2
WeekDateActivitySections1Jan15Lecture1.1-1.42Jan22Lecture2.1-2.43Jan29Lectures2.5, 2.7, 3.1, 3.24Feb5Lecture3.3, 3.45Feb12,14Lecture, Test 14.1, 4.2, 4.36Feb 17-21Study Week7Feb26Lecture4.4,4.58Mar5Lecture4.6, 5.19Mar12Lecture5.1, 5.210Mar19,21Lecture,Test 25.3, 6.1, 6.211Mar26Lecture6.3, 7.1, 8.112Apr2Lecture8.2, 10.1,10.213Apr9Lecture10.3,10.414Apr16Final examNote that we will not cover all the sections of each chapter.Homework:A number of homework questions listed at the end of the course outline are assigned everyweek and available from the D2L, which must be handed in at the beginning of the next week’s lecture viaD2L. Please note that the assignments will not be marked; however, they may be checked for completenessand correctness. Experience has shown that the only way to learn math is to do it. The amount you learn inthis course and the grade you receive will be proportional to the amount of time you spend doing problems.Keep up with the homework. Each student should do at least two hours of independent study after each 4hour lecture.Evaluation:10% To receive 10% of the final grade, you must hand in the weekly assigned homework to the thecorresponding assignment submission folders in Assessment in D2L by 11:59pm, every Sunday, exceptFeb. 19. Login to D2L, then click ’Assessment’ and then click ’Assignments’, where the assignmentsubmission is located.25% Test 1 1.5 hours (18:00-19:50), Friday, February 14, 2025.25% Test 2 1.5 hours (18:00-19:50), Friday, March 21, 2025.40% Exam 2 hours (18:00-20:20), Wednesday, April 16, 2025.Upload each of your test/exam papers in one file in pdf, JPG or PNG file to the corresponding assessmentsubmission folder in the D2L by the end of the tests/ exam time.Before each of tests/exam, you must confirm whether you will write the test or exam inthe confirmation folder in the D2L.3
Note that there will be lectures after tests 1 and 2 starting from 20:00pm.Format:The formats of tests 1 and 2 and final exam are both multiple choice and full-answer problems.Aids:The tests 1 and 2 and final exam areopen bookexams. You must confirm that you write the tests1, 2 and the final exam without any help from other people on the front page of each of these tests andexam papers. There will be penalties if you upload your solutions anywhere online or you communicate thesolutions with other people during the tests 1, 2 and the final exam.NOTE: You need to confirm to the instructor in D2L whether you will write the tests 1 and 2 and finalexam 120 minutes before they take place.Re-marking of TestIf a test is submitted for re-marking, the whole test may be remarked.Missed Class and/or Evaluations1. Students are required to inform their instructors of any situation which arises during the semester whichmay have an adverse effect upon their academic performance, and must request any considerations andaccommodations according to the relevant policies and well in advance. Failure to do so will jeopardizeany academic appeals.2. If a test is missed, then the corresponding percentage of the test will be transferred to the final examor write a make-up test. If the final exam is missed, an INC grade may be given, in accordance to thepolicies given in The Continuing Education will schedule the common make-up finalexam.3. If proper documentation is not received by the instructor within reasonable time (generally, that meanswithin 3 working days), the mark for the missed evaluation will be zero.Medical CertificatesIf a student misses the deadline for submitting an assignment, or the date of an exam or other evaluationcomponent because of illness, they must submit a TMU Student Medical Certificate AND an AcademicConsideration form within 3 working days of the missed date.Both documents are available at (PDF)Student Medical Certificate Guidelines ( you area full-time or part-time degree student, then you must submit your forms to your own programdepartment or school. If you are a certificate or non-certificate student, then you submit yourforms to the staff at the front desk of the Change School.Religious ObservanceIf a student needs accommodation because of religious observance, they must submit a Request forAccommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual Observance AND an Academic Considerationform within the first 2 weeks of the class or, for a final examination, within 2 weeks of the posting ofthe examination schedule.If the required absence occurs within the first 2 weeks of classes, or the datesare not known well in advance as they are linked to other conditions, these forms should be submitted4
with as much lead time as possible in advance of the required absence.Both documents are availableat (PDF) Student Request for Accommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual Observance( If you are a full-time or part-time degreestudent, then you must submit the forms to your own program department or school. If you are a certificateor non-certificate student, then you submit the forms to the staff at the front desk of the Chang School.Students who need Academic Accommodation SupportStudents who need academic accommodation support should register with Academic AccommodationSupport ( the first graded work is due, registeredstudents should inform their instructors through an ”Accommodation Form for Professors” that they areregistered with Academic Accommodation Support and what accommodations are required.Academic Integrity and PlagiarismTMU’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to all students at the University. The policy and its proceduresare triggered in the event that the there is a suspicion that a student has engaged in a form of academicmisconduct. Forms of academic misconduct include plagiarism, cheating, supplying false information to theUniversity, and other acts. The most common form of academic misconduct is plagiarism. Plagiarism is aserious academic offence and penalties can be severe. In any academic exercise, plagiarism occurs when oneoffers as one’s own work the words, data, ideas, arguments, calculations, designs or productions of anotherwithout appropriate attribution or when one allows one’s work to be copied. All academic work must besubmitted using the citation style approved by the instructor. Students may refer to the TMU Library’s listof Citations and Style Guides ( for more information.It is assumed that all examinations and work submitted for evaluation and course credit will be theproduct of individual effort, except in the case of group projects arranged for and approved by the courseinstructor. Submitting the same work to more than one course, without instructor approval, is also considereda form of plagiarism. Students are advised that suspicions of academic misconduct may be referred to theAcademic Integrity Office (AIO). Students who are found to have committed academic misconduct will havea Disciplinary Notation (DN) placed on their academic record (not on their transcript) and will be assignedone or more of the following penalties:•A grade reduction for the work including a grade of zero for the work.•An F in the course.•More serious penalties up to and including expulsion from the University.For more detailed in-formation on these issues, please refer to the full online text for the (PDF) Academic Integrity Policy( and to the Academic Integritywebsite ( Resources Available at TMU•The Library ( provides research workshops and individual assistance.Inquire at the Reference Desk on the second floor of the library, or go to Research Skills Workshops(
•Student Learning Support ( of-fers group-based and individual help with writing, math, study skills and transition support, and other issues.•For more resources and information on significant dates, academic standings, exam schedules, etc., visitthe Current Students website (•The Student Guide ( summarizes the policies, fees, proce-dures and services you’ll need to know as a TMU student.AttendanceAttendance is mandatory.Copyright1. The Pearson publisher owns the copyright of the etext. You are not allowed to download the etextand pass it onto anyone else, or distribute it commercially.2. You are not allowed to record during the CMTH108 lectures.Homework for CMTH108, Linear AlgebraWeekly homework questions corresponding to the material you have studied in the week will be posted toD2L by the instructor. You need to hand each homework to the corresponding homework submission fold intheAssignmentin Assessment in D2L by 11:59pm, every Sunday except Feb. 19, starting on January 19.In the following table, the first column lists the sections we shall study; the second one lists the Definitionswhich you need understand; the third column lists Theorems, corollaries and propositions. We do not studythe proofs of these theorems, corollaries and propositions but you have to understand them and know howto apply them. The fourth column lists Examples you need to study by applying the definitions, theorems,corollaries or propositions. The last column lists the homework questions which you need to hand in. Weeklyhomework questions will be posted to D2L by the instructor.6
Section #DefinitionTheoremExampleQuestions to be handed in1.11−71−21−81−191.21−51−81−91−141.311−2,Cor.1(2)1−31−61.411−31−61−52.11−411−101−122.21−21−31−101−5,7−122.3111−71−62.4111−121−62.51−21−51−312.61−21−31−31−42.711,4−9,Cor.11−61−103.111−31−51−53.21−21−31−31−43.31−3,Cor.11−71−33.41−41−51−54.11−311−81−74.211−51−24.31−21−24.41−2,Cor.11−41−44.51−5,Cor.1-31−51−74.61−21−61−65.11−31,Prop.11−61−95.21−31−51−41−45.31−5,6((1)−(3))1−61−66.111−21−21−46.21−21,31,2,41,2,46.31−51−5,Prop.11−111−157.111−5,Cor.1,21−51−48.11−31,3,4,5,Cor.11−61−48.211,2,6,Cor.11−51−810.11−5Prop.1,21−91−910.21,21,21−31,210.31,3,Cor.11,51−410.41,Cor.11−31,27