Bohol Island State University, Balilihan, Bohol Campus**We aren't endorsed by this school
Computer Science
Jan 12, 2025
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Republic of the PhilippinesBOHOL ISLAND STATE UNIVERSITYMagsija, Balilihan, 6342, Bohol, PhilippinesOffice of the Director of Instruction Balance IIntegrity IStewardship IUprightnessTEST QUESTIONNAIREF-AQA-INS-001 | Rev. 2 | 07/01/24 | Page 1 of 2College of Computing and Information SciencesComputing and Information Department1stSemester, A.Y. 2024 – 2025 Final ExaminationBSCS 1Computer Architecture and OrganizationSasha Isabela A. UyI.Identification. Read each question carefully. (1 point each).1. It is also responsible for feeding the software to the right hardware like the keyboard, mouse, screen, etc. 2. It holds the memory address of the last item placed on the stack. 3. It contains the address of an instruction to be executed next. 4. It is another chip that can store data temporarily. 5. It contains the address of a location of main memory from where information has to be fetched for information has to be stored. 6. It is used for managing the program stack during function calls and returns. 7.It is a type of operation that arithmetic operations are performed on the data. 8. It holds the data being accessed or stored in memory. 9. It is a type of operation that the data is transferred from a source to a destination.10. It holds the intermediate results of computations. II. Illustrate what is being asked.11-20. Illustrate the entire procedure of the interaction of a program with hardware.III.Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter and the full word.21. It holds an offset value to be added to a memory address.a. Status Register (SR)b. Memory Buffer (or Data) Register (MBR or MDR)c. Index Register (IX)d. Accumulator (ACC)22. The first ALU operand is always stored into the Accumulator and the second operand is present either in Registers or in the data transfer operation.a. Trueb. False23. It is used to indicate whether an operation was successful, to set and clear flags, and to store error information.a. Status Registerb. Accumulatorc. Stack Pointerd. Instruction Register24. Accumulator is the default address thus after data manipulation the results are stored into the accumulator.a. Trueb. False25. Contents of MBR are directly connected to the ___________.a. Address Busb. Control Busc. Data Busd. Control Unit26. One of the operands is always held by the program counter.a. Trueb. False27. It is used for arithmetic and logical operations.a. Instruction Registerb. ALU Operationc. Program Counterd. Accumulator28. The instruction cycle takes more time because it saves time in instruction fetching from memory.a. Trueb. False29. It contains a word of data to be written to memory or the words most recently read.
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Republic of the PhilippinesBOHOL ISLAND STATE UNIVERSITYMagsija, Balilihan, 6342, Bohol, PhilippinesOffice of the Director of Instruction Balance IIntegrity IStewardship IUprightnessTEST QUESTIONNAIREF-AQA-INS-001 | Rev. 2 | 07/01/24 | Page 2 of 2a. Instruction Registerb. Memory Address Registerc. Memory Buffer Registerd. Program Counter30. One address instruction is used in this type of organization.a. Trueb. False31. It is used to access data structures or arrays.a. Stack Pointerb. Memory Data Registerc. Index Registersd. Accumulator32. When complex expressions are computed, program size increases due to the usage of many long instructions to execute it.a. Trueb. False33. It is used for managing the program stack during function calls and returns.a. Memory Data Register (MDR)b. Stack Pointer (SP)c. Instruction Registerd. Program Counter34. As the number of instructions increases for a program, the execution time increases.a. Trueb. False35. The __________ fetches the next instruction, which is stored in the instruction register.a. Instruction Registerb. Accumulatorc. Program Counterd. Stack Pointer36. Address indicates the type of operation to be performed.a. True b. False37. It holds status information about the processor and the current instruction.a. Stack Pointerb. Accumulatorc. Status Registerd. Memory Data Register38. PDP-8 processors is used for process control and laboratory applications.a. Trueb. False39. Contents of MAR are directly connected to the _________.a. Address Busb. Control Unitc. Control Busd. Data Buss40. The accumulator register is used implicitly for processing all instructions of a program and storing the results into the accumulator.a. Trueb. False
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