MAN 3240 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY PR #8 Letter of gratitude 2024
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MAN 3240
Jan 13, 2025
Uploaded by BrigadierFreedomReindeer33
Personal Relevance (Lecture 8 - ) REQUIRED(-12point , Times Roman1.5 Spacing - Use all the space providedand check that your work is not cut off; WRITE WELL) Name: Topic of Lecture: SECTION 1 122Personal RelevancIn the video that was shown in the lecture it says that Humility is based on “knowing e: the truth about oneself. This means having perspective on your strengths and limitations while but not conceited or insecure on each of those two ends. I think that humility has a lot to do with the ability to stay humble in the face of any situations. This something that I see being utterly useful in the future for my is career as I will be going into sales. work your way up in sales, you must be able to build relationship Towith everyone you come across and expressing entitlement will not get you far. In sales you must be selfless and focus on the needs of others, not your own, and I think practicing humility will do that for me. Personal Relevance: I really liked the list of “” things because I feel like I incorporate all of these things DOinto my daily life and it is very fulfilling. The only one that list that I don’t actively do is get enough sleep. Other than that, I would consider myself a very positive person that makes the time and effort to appreciate the people and things in life that deserve it. After looking at this l, I think that this just shows me that littleistI need to prioritize getting enough sleep. If I can do everything else on the list, then I can do this too. I feel like a lot of these things go unnoticed by people, but I think the important part of it is that you are doing it for yourself, not anyone else. Personal Relevance: I was satisfied with ” list, but I think that the “DON’T” list is even better. I the “DOthink that the don’t list is a better place to start if you are intimidated by the “” list. I feel like I do a DOpretty good job at not doing a lot of the things on the list, but when they are all laid out together, I can see that there are some that I do more than others. The biggest “Don’t” that I am seeing on the list that I do actually is delaying goals in dreams. I am a bit of a procrastinator, so I think that is something that I would really like to work on. In s there isn’t going to be someone giving me a dead line so I am going to have saleto be self-motivated and get things done efficiently if I want to be successful. Point: Humility Chloe Patel Gratitude/Better Life PoDOint: Do all of the “” things Point: Don’t do any of the “Don’t” things
Explain below how you presented your letter (when, what format [email, text, written]) How did this affect you? My friend birdie. It’s hard to articulate the profound sentiments that I feel ties me to hershe’s one of those people ; where words aren’t enough to express the connection we share. She lives down the hall from me, but it’s never the physical closeness that draws me to her. Birdie has been a hidden gem in world of friendships. myThrough mutuals, we’ve always been friends, but ’t until this past year that I found the parts of her it wasnthat I never seem to find in anyone else. The closest embodiment of a sunbeam, never hesitating to share her spark for this life with everyone around her. Everyonalways stresses quality over quantity, but is it so e wrong to want and endless number of birdies in my life? I think that every friend I have brings out a different part of me but I’m most grateful for the part of me that birdie brings out. The mere thought of her presence is enough make my cheeks burn from smiling. At times I’lose myself in the wave of tom gratitude I have towards her. Birdies personality alone is enough for me to confidently say she will find success in whatever her future holds. Her undeniable radiance is so infectious it’s hard to be sad around her. But nonetheless, she would give you her shoulder if the situation presented itself. She is an intertwinement of everything good in this world. She’s selfless, politely outspoken, and luminous. In expressing my gratitude to you I must acknowledge the positive impact you’ve have had on my life and continue to have. I want to thank you for being such an integral part of my life. By choice or chance, I am glad our paths have crossed the waythey have, d I hope they never stray too far. You make me feel s ansecure in everything I do, but that’s not an experience unique to us. You treat everyone with genuine kindness and it’s something that never gounnoticed in my book. I watch you form the most earnest esconnections that stretch far beyond the surface. There’s this comfort about you that makes me feel like I could accomplish anything with you by my side. Whether a joke you make or a story you tell, you it'salways know what to say, and that’s something I envy about you. Your wit and intense knowledge on arbitrary topics is what makes you. You are one of the most deserving people I know and the people you surround yourself with would all agree. I love your passion, I love the atmosphere you create, and I love you. Thank you for being you, I feel exceptionally lucky to be your friend. I handed her my computer and let her ready it. I felt fulfilled letting this my friend read this letter that I wrote for her. I was glad that she could get a glimpse of the way I love her.
In the space provided on the previous page, write a letter of GRATITUDE to someone you feel is deserving. EXPECTATIONS: 1) You will be sincere, 2) You use the space below. all3) You will write it well (spelling, grammar, paragraphs). 4)You will send to the recipient of your gratitude for his/her response. it 5) It have a positive impact. will 6) Write in with my expectations in mind for grammar, spelling, content, paragraphs (and the rest). 12 POINT, TIMES ROMAN FONT. 1.5 LIG NE SPACIN