Blood notes day 2

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BIO 215
Jan 14, 2025
Uploaded by BrigadierHyena3766
II. Hematopoiesis 16. All blood cells differentiate from stemcellsin bone marrow. 17. Hematopoiesis is blood cell formation that occurs in red bone marrow; mostly in the vertebraeand pelvis. 18. Hemocytoblastsare stem cells that develop into blood cells. III. Hemostasis 19. Complete these statements about hemostasis. Hemostasis is the process of stoppingblood flow A series of reactions triggered by a break in a bloodvessel wall Response is fastand localized20. List the 3 stages of hemostasis. 1. VascularSpasms2. Platelet Plug Formation 3. Coagulation Events 21. Vascular spasms occur when damaged blood vessels constrictto reduce blood loss. This is most effective in smallervessels. 22. Complete these steps in platelet plug formation. Platelets detect damage, become stickyand cling to the damaged area Anchored platelets release chemicals that attractmore platelets A small mass is formed called a plateletplug23. Coagulation is a complex series of reactions that eventually convert a soluble protein called fibrinogeninto an insoluble fiber called fibrin. A fibrin meshforms to strengthen the platelet plug and trap red blood cells. 24. Complete these statements about scabs. protectivecrust that forms over an injury Once a platelet plug is no longer needed, it begins to dry out and form a scab The scab protects underlying tissues as they are regenerated Scabs fall off when the underlying skin is fully healed IV. Blood Groups and Transfusions 25. There are4inherited blood types exist in the human population. Type Ois most common and type ABis least common. 26. Complete these statements about ABO blood groups. Differences in blood type are due to the presence or absence of proteins (antigens) on the surface of red blood cells Antigens will determine the type of antibodiesproduced in the plasma Red blood cells have either: Aantigens Bantigens BothA & B antigens NeitherA nor B antigens 27. Clumping or agglutiationindicates the presence of the antigen. 28. If blood of an incompatible type is introduced during a blood transfusion, the patient’s plasma (serum) antibodieswill react with red blood cell antiegns, and aggregation or clumping will occur. 29. Aggregation or agglutination of blood due to transfusing incompatible blood leads to: cloggingof small blood vessels
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destructionof erythrocytes Free hemoglobin molecules can cause fatal kidneydamage 30. Complete these statements about Rh factor. It is another type of proteinsometimes found on the rbc Rh- people donot automatically have antibodies against Rh Firstexposure of Rh- person to Rh+ antigens will cause the production of antibodies Secondexposure will result in recipient’s antibodies attacking and rupturing donor’s Rh+ red blood cells The Rh factor was first discovered in the blood of Rhesusmonkeys 31. Complete these statements about Rh factor complications during pregnancy. When Rh- mother carries her first Rh+ baby, her body will produce antibodies, but baby is not affected The secondpregnancy will result in her antibodiescrossing the placenta and attacking the baby’s red blood cells 32. The absence of plasma antibodies makes those with type AB+ blood able to receive transfusions from any other type; they are universal recipient. 33. The absence of rbc antigens makes those with type O-blood able to donate to any other type; they are universal donors. V. Diseases and Conditions 34. Complete these statements about anemia. Reduced ability of the blood to carry oxygen severaldifferent types of anemia exist May result from: Low numberof rbc Abnormal or deficient hemoglobincontent Common symptoms of anemia: pale or sallow skin general fatigue weaknessshortness of breath 35. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited form of anemia in which abnormal cellsgives red blood cells a sickle shape. These cells ruptureeasily and get cloggedin small vessels. 36. Hemophilia is a sex-linked genetic blood disorder in which blood does not clotproperly leading to excessive internal or external bleeding. 37. Leukemiaoccurs when red bone marrow becomes cancerous and produces large numbers of abnormal white blood cells that do not function properly. 38. A blood clot that forms in a blood vessel and does not move to another area of the body is called a thrombus. If the clot moves to another part of the body, it is called an embolus.
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