File Mgmt Practice Instructions (9-8-24)

Topsail High**We aren't endorsed by this school
HIST 131
Computer Science
Jan 15, 2025
Uploaded by PresidentThunderAntelope53
File Management Practice***All screenshots must show your initials in each Folder and File name!!!***1.Create a new folder and name the new folder Practice 2. All other folders and files will be created in this folder. 2.Create two new folders in the Practice 2folder, name one of the folders Classesand name the second folder CIS. 3.Use Word to create a document with a list of the classes (BUS 121, ACC 120, CIS 111 and ACA 115), then save the document in the Classesfolder which is located in the Practice 2folder. Save the file with the filename Schedule. 4.Use Word to create a new document that lists the programs in Microsoft Office you will learn in CIS 111 (Internet Explorer, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), then save the document in the Classes folder which is in the Practice 2folder. Save the file with the filename Programs. *Submit a screenshot from File Explorershowing the folders Practice 2, CIS, and Classes in the left pane, and the two files located in the Classesfolder named Programsand Schedulein the right pane.5.Create two new folders in the Practice 2folder. Name the first new folder Fall Semesterand the second new folder Project. 6.Move the files from Classes folder into the new ProjectFolder. *Submit a screenshot from File Explorershowing the folders Practice 2, CIS, Classes, FallSemester, and Projectin the left pane, and the two files located in the Classesfolder named Programsand Schedulein the right pane.
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7.In the ProjectFolder copy the file Programsinto the CISfolder. *Submit a screenshot from File Explorershowing the folders Practice 2, CIS, and Classes, and Project in the left pane, and the two files located in the Classesfolder named Programs and Schedulein the right pane.8.Start Word and create a list of at least 3 things you want to accomplish for the Fall Semester, then save the document in the Fall Semesterfolder which is in the Practice 2folder. Save the file with the filename Things to Do. *Submit a screenshot from File Explorershowing the folders Practice 2, CIS, Classes, and Projectin the left pane, and the Fall Semesterfolder named Things to Doin the right pane.9.Rename the Fall Semesterfolder to Fall Semester 2024. 10. Create a new folder in the Fall Semester 2024. Name the new folder Homework. *Submit a screenshot from File Explorershowing the folders Practice 2, CIS, Classes, Fall Semester 2024, and Homeworkin the left pane, and the HomeworkFolder and Things to
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Dofile located in the Fall Semester 2024 folder in the right pane.11. Note ***All screenshots must show your initials in each Folder and File name!!!***12. Make sure you submit (5) total screenshots for credit
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