PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENTSabado, Princess Jane F._____________________________ETHICS DIAGNOSTIC TEST1NameIndicate your answer to the items by shading or crossing out any of the following:SA= Strongly AgreeSD= Strongly DisagreeU= UndecidedD= DisagreeA= AgreeAt the rightmost column, provide an explanation of your answer.SAAUDSD1.What’s right depends on the culture youare in.I agree because different cultures haveunique customs, traditions and valuesthat shape their moral standards.SAAUDSD2.No one has the right to judge what’s rightor wrong for a person in another culture.I strongly agree because every culturehas its own unique values and norms.We should always respect them.SAAUDSD3.No one has the right to intervene whenthey think someone else has donesomething morally wrong.I strongly disagree because interveningcan prevent harm and protect vulnerableindividuals from exploitation and abuse.SAAUDSD4.It’s hopeless to try to arrive at a finalanswer to ethical questions.I disagree because careful thinking anddiscussion can help us find ethicalanswers.SAAUDSD5.Ultimately, there is one and only one rightstandard of moral evaluation.I disagree because different cultures andbeliefs have their own moral standards.SAAUDSD6.What is right depends on what God says isright.I agree because, as a person of faith, Ibelieve God's teachings guide moraldecisions.SAAUDSD7.There is only one true religion.I disagree because various religionsoffer unique perspectives and paths tospiritual growth.SAAUDSD8.What my religion says in the Scriptures isliterally true.I agree because that's my belief, butothers may differ since they havedifferent beliefs.SAAUDSD9.All major religions have somethingimportant to tell us about what is right andwhat is wrong.I agree because major religions sharecommon moral values like compassion,honesty and respect, offering valuableguidance for ethical decision-making.SAAUDSD10. We do not need to depend on religion tohave a solid foundation for our moralvalues.I agree because our life choices andpersonal values suffice to guide moraldecisions.SAAUDSD11. Everyone is really just seeking their owninterests.I strongly agree people prioritize theirown interests.SAAUDSD12. Some people think that they are genuinelyconcerned about the welfare of others, butthey are just deceiving themselves.I disagree because people can truly careabout others.SAAUDSD13. People are not really free. They are justproducts of their environment, upbringing,and other factors.I disagree because people have theability to make choices and thinkindependently.SAAUDSD14. Everyone should watch out just for himselfor herself.I disagree because kindness, empathyand helping others are essential humanvalues.SAAUDSD15. You can’t be both altruistic and selfish atthe same time.I agree because altruism prioritizesothers' needs, while selfishnessprioritizes one's own.SAAUDSD16. When I am trying to decide what is theright thing to do, I look at theI agree because this is me all the time.1Adapted from Lawrence M. Hinman’sEthics: A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory(Boston: Wadsworth, 2012).
consequences of the various alternativesopen to me.SAAUDSD17. The right thing to do is whatever is best foreveryone.As a people pleaser person, I agree.SAAUDSD18. If someone tries to do the right thing, but itworks out badly, he or she still deservesmoral credit for trying.I strongly agree because good intentionsand sincere efforts demonstrate moralcharacter.SAAUDSD19. Pleasure is the most important thing in life.I strongly disagree because fulfillment,happiness and personal growth comefrom meaningful relationships, purposeand achievements.SAAUDSD20. Happiness is the most important thing inlife.I strongly agree because when you'rehappy, everything else falls into place.SAAUDSD21. It is important to do the right thing for theright reason.I agree because doing the right thing forthe right reason shows true integrity.SAAUDSD22. What is fair for one is fair for all.I agree because it promotes equality andfairness.SAAUDSD23. People should always be treated withrespect.I strongly agree regardless of age, sex,and social status respect other people.SAAUDSD24. We should never use other people merelyas a means to our own goals.I agree because exploiting others isunfair.SAAUDSD25. Morality is basically a matter of respectingpeople’s rights.I agree because respecting people'srights acknowledges their dignity.SAAUDSD26. Some rights are absolute.I agree because everyone deservesbasic rights like life and freedom.SAAUDSD27. I have a right to do whatever I want as longas it does not violate others’ rights.I strongly agree because everyoneshould be free unless they harm others.SAAUDSD28. People have a right to health care, even ifthey cannot afford to pay for it.I strongly agree because healthcare is abasic human right, not a privilege.SAAUDSD29. Justice is the most important characteristicof a society.I agree because justice ensures fairnessand protects everyone's rights.SAAUDSD30. Might makes right.I disagree because strength and powershouldn't decide what's morally right.SAAUDSD31. Justice consists of treating everybodyexactly the same.I agree because fairness means equaltreatment for all.SAAUDSD32. A just society is one in which everyone hasthe greatest amount of liberty.I disagree because unlimited liberty canharm others and create chaos.SAAUDSD33. Sometimes strict justice is bad for society.I disagree because strict justice holdspeople accountable and maintainsdiscipline.SAAUDSD34. Morality is mainly a matter of what kind ofperson you are.I agree because good character shapesour actions and decisions.SAAUDSD35. Sometimes too much courage is a badthing.I disagree because courage inspirespositive change and stands up for what'sright.SAAUDSD36. Compassion for the suffering of others isan important character trait.I agree because kindness and empathyhelp heal and support those in need butnot all the time.SAAUDSD37. It’s important to care about yourself.I strongly agree because self-careimproves mental and physicalwell-being.SAAUDSD38. Virtues are the same for males andfemales.I strongly agree because moral valueslike honesty, kindness and respect areuniversal.SAAUDSD39. Men and women often view moralitydifferently.I disagree because universal values likehonesty, kindness and respect transcendgender.
SAAUDSD40. Emotions have no place in morality.I strongly disagree because emotionslike empathy and compassion guidemoral decisions.SAAUDSD41. Morality is primarily a matter of followingthe rules.I strongly disagree because moralityinvolves thinking, empathy and personalresponsibility, not just rules.SAAUDSD42. There are often unjust relationships intoday’s families.I agree because power imbalances,abuse and inequality can occur withinfamilies.SAAUDSD43. Morality should reflect an individual’sethnic and cultural background.I disagree because universal humanrights and values like respect andkindness apply across cultures.SAAUDSD44. Moral disagreement is a good thing insociety.I strongly disagree because moraldisagreements often lead to conflict,division and harm.SAAUDSD45. Moral compromise is bad.I agree because compromising on moralprinciples can lead to unfairconsequences and hurt others.