Air gun Essays

  • From Catalogs To The Web: The Evolution Of Airgun Products, Inc.

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    Products, Inc. was created to sells air guns and air gun-related products. It started as a one employer company in its first year and two employees during its second year. As sales increased throughout the years additional employees were hired. By 2003, API had about 12 employees as orders were growing steadily and the following year they had developed a broad product mix. In their inventory they products like air rifles, pistols, scopes, targets, and other air gun-related accessories. However, over

  • Personal Narrative: How Military Simulation Affected My Life

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    know military simulation (commonly referred to as milsim) is a sport designed to both train, and entertain the player. Airsoft is somewhat like paintball or simunition. The airsoft gun is the tool we use, and is designed to shoot plastic BBs much like a BB gun but safer. In military simulation we fire our airsoft guns at opponents whom are also

  • Crosman Swot Analysis

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    Crosman is an american based company dealing in shooting sports since 1924 making them one of the biggest and authentic names in the industry. The company specializes in all kinds of shooting sports with Airsoft, Air Guns and Archery being their area of expertise. Crosman products fall under an elite niche as they have been perfected with years and years of experience to bring you the superior products that you see today. Crosman with its superior quality and durability also gives out its customers

  • Paintball Research Paper

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    purchase is the gun, or paintball marker. There are different styles of paintball to keep in mind when selecting the best paintball gun for beginners. The two main types of paintball are Woodsball and Speedball. In general, Woodsball is played in natural settings. Speedball is played in a smaller court with man-made objects. The Types of Paintball Guns There are three basic types of paintball guns. They are the electronic guns, the mechanical guns and the pump guns. A pump gun works like a pump-action

  • Gun Control Argumentative Analysis

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    000 Americans were killed in gun related homicides (Zakaria). It has been estimated that there are over 310 million guns in the hands of United States citizens (Krouse). These statistics have rallied many gun-control opponents and proponents to action. Gun control opponents believe that the answer to this problem is to loosen gun control laws to dissuade potential shooters. Gun control proponents believe that the answer is to tighten gun control laws so that a gun is never put into a potential

  • Toulmin Analysis Of Campus Carry

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    away by not being allowed to conceal carry, while other believe that guns only bring violence to campus. In the article, “Students Should Have the Right to Carry Guns on College Campuses” I will use Toulmin analysis on the article. While the article argues that students should have conceal carry; I believe it is wrong, because students do not have the responsibility, more guns do not create safety on campus, and the presents of guns creates a fearful atmosphere. The article’s claim is that students

  • The Fight For Cookies: A Short Story

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    The Fight for Cookies “Put the gun down!” the cop announced, aiming his flashy gun at me. “Or at least give me the bag,” he whined. “Nooo way! Why should a robber share?” I screamed. The chubby, short law enforcer then pointed his gun at me and pulled the trigger. “Whoa!” I sputtered, as I felt my hairs on my head shift with the bullet he shot. I dove behind a chair and let bullets loose on him. The sheriff came inching closer, shooting here and there, getting nearer and nearer by the second

  • The Fatal Shot Analysis

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    each other further up the road. the first four being armed with a bomb, Trifko Grabež and I were the the only ones with a gun. Him having a simple revolver and I having a .22 caliber Browning pistol. The target passed Mehmedbašić

  • Compare And Contrast The Weapons In The Civil War

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    to the other bullets before, it was more accurate and better. They were circular bullets that traveled in the air less further and less accurate. The bullets used now are narrower at the tip and that causes them to be more accurate in the air and they travel further in distance. “Minie Balls” were also harder to load into the muskets. You had to go through several steps to get the gun

  • Personal Narrative: The Horse

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    without me deciding if he can. Okay, let’s have that gun of yours.” “Now hold on ye Mexican! Why do you want my gun? Do you own this town? Do…” “Well, as a matter of fact I do! And you can have it if you beat me in a gunfight.” “Give me some thinking time.” “You got one hour.” Sam went and got a room at the El Caballo Hotel, sat down and thought. Two minutes later ha jumped up, shoved his gun in his holster and raced out into the street. “Tomas

  • Should Teachers Have Guns In School Analysis

    1948 Words  | 8 Pages

    Teachers should not be allowed to carry guns in the classroom because arming teachers can lead to teachers and students being targeted. In Alice Gilmore’s article, “Should Teachers Have The Right To Bear Arms In School” from The Blue and White, Gilmore educates parents and staff about dangers lying within arming teachers and the potential problems with guns in the presence of children. She states, “Some people also believe that if teachers have guns, this will scare off a psychopath from not shooting

  • Movie Inside Man Themes

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    all the power. Another example that was very obvious was when one of the gun man caught a civilian lying about were his cellphone is he took his gun and beat a man which was a way of proving to the other civilians that he has all the power. In the movie Usual Suspects the theme power is shown when the two dirty cops were doing airport pick up on a smuggler, these corrupt cops feel that because they wear the badge and hold a gun that they have power over the doing of things right and wrong they know

  • The Band Duel: A Short Story

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    encompassing each fleet the earlier evening, tuned their instruments upon the fantail. Tiny whines became loud with no warning. A few crewmen sought their source. Solitary planes came low, one hundred feet atop the vessel’s location. The machinery guns on its person erupted. The men upon the decks rushed over to their designated battling locations. Lieutenant Commander Vincent enjoyed a morning meal in the wardroom accompanied by his men when airy raiding sirens’ sounds caught his attention. With

  • Highland High School Shootings: Fox News, CBS News

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    2018, whereas the articles from CBS and Fox News report this to just as a shooting, not a school shooting. The article also mentions that the suspect was accused of attempted murder. The article further mentions the type of gun that the suspect used, and that they fired the gun more than once. It is however specified that the suspect was located and apprehended about a mile away from the school near a grocery store. Unlike the other two articles that were mentioned above, the purpose of this article

  • G-Calpurnia Mother Figure

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    he plays the Jew’s Harp and is more obviously shown when Atticus says he is too old to play football and when he says he hates guns. He refuses to teach them to shoot their new air-rifles. Then, amidst all of this talk of having an embarrassing dad, he is handed a rifle from a police officer to shoot a mad dog. Jem almost fainted from the thought of his dad shooting a gun. The officer said that he was not a skilled marksman compared to Atticus and it showed, as Atticus shot him and Tim Johnson did

  • Personal Narrative: My First Vietnam War

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    couldn’t tell. All of us tried to stay calm and remember our training that we’ve accomplished over the three month training course. But all we could think about is, ‘Are we going to make it back to our families.’ That’s when we got the call that air reinforcements were coming and told us to throw a smoke on the enemy position, but as soon they were about to tell us the color of the smoke, a grenade landed in the pit. Along with the radio an extra five people were critically devastated by the blast

  • Duck Quacking Research Paper

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    girl and I also saw the girl get scared, because there were people like bullies scaring her. Also while I am in town there is a scary man with balloons. Then I saw a scary wolf in a window and what happened was I accidently bumped into a man with a gun and, he yanks me by the shirt and slams me into a wall bumps me into a garbage can and he flipped me into the trash can. When me, and the duck are in the trash can the duck leans his head on me, and the i’m crying. And now there is a crow

  • Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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    of these victims are mourning. However, with such a travesty as this, it ignites a debate. In the aftermath of such a catastrophe, what should we do. People are always shifting the blame to whatever they can. The mental health of the shooter, loose gun regulation, and violent things in our culture like video games and movies are always blamed by the media. However, over the years there has been no change to anything that has been effective in curbing the number of mass shootings. So what is the solution

  • Cause Of School Shootings

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    According to Everytownresearch “Every one out of 30 schools from 2009 to 2012 had to deal with one of their students kindergarten through twelfth either having a gun or using a gun on school property.” Every time a school shooting or school massacre happens way more than they should and every time something like this happens they are getting worse each time. There are many causes to school shootings, ways schools are trying to respond the this kind of stuff happening, and examples of this kind of

  • Catapults: Most Well-Known Weapon In Medieval Warfare

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    ability to shoot a rock or body over 1,300 ft. into enemy lines. However catapults date back a lot further than medieval times, and came in many more styles than you might think. The catapult was the ultimate long range weapon until the 14th century when gun powder and canons were introduced. The first documented catapults originated in the 3rd and 4th century BC in China. The catapult was operated and was designed much like a large crossbow. However catapults only appeared in England in the middle ages