Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Essays

  • Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

    1892 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Search for Refuge: Is it the Same for All Individuals? For every individual, the correlation between oneself and where their refuge is found varies. Principally, the concept of refuge solicits questions such as “refuge from what?”, “refuge from who?”, “refuge found where?”, “refuge found with whom?”, “why refuge?” and so on.. Refuge can be found in the rush of climbing the Devil’s Thumb, feeling the harsh breeze and the consciousness of the nature surrounding oneself, train hopping freight trains

  • Cache Valley Massacre

    2274 Words  | 10 Pages

    The Shoshones attacked the miners as they crossed the Bear River in Richmond, Utah. During which attack one miner was killed, and many wagons and supplies were destroyed. Afterward Bishop Mariner W. Merrill of Richmond, Utah, sent a report of the events to Salt Lake City and the commander at Fort Douglas. Warrants for the arrest of chiefs Bear Hunter, Sagwitch, and others were issued and Colonel P. Edward Connor from Fort Douglas prepared for the