Bingo Little Essays

  • Cozy Games Management Limited: Producing The Smooth Bingo Site

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    When Cozy Games Management Limited decided to introduce the Smooth Bingo site in mid 2014, one had wonder how they would develop the theme around the "smooth" title. As it turns out, smooth represents a smooth citrus drink to the site's developer. With that in mind, players will find refreshing oranges scattered about the site with an inviting straw daring them to take a little sip. As always, Cozy Games puts forth a another solid effort with this particular site. The graphics are colorful over

  • Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bomb

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    The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima occurred on August 6th, 1945 at 8:15 AM. The bomb was a uranium gun-type bomb nicknamed ‘Little Boy’. The amount of energy that the ‘Little Boy’ generated when it exploded was equivalent to a 15 kiloton TNT explosion. However, when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, 60,000-80,000 people were killed instantly. Over the next four months, tens of thousands more people died due to various illnesses which were mainly caused by radiation exposure. In my opinion

  • Gender Roles In Little Women By Louisa May Alcott

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    of four sisters and their dreams Louisa May Alcott 's in Little Women showed the difficulties that are communicated with the gender roles between women and men during the Civil War in America. The civil war was a clear metaphor for internal conflict of four little women grils.The story was based on the childhood experiences Alcott shared with her real-life sisters, Anna, May and Elizabeth. According to “Nicola Watson” the publication of little women in 1868 that talks about a founding myth of American

  • Atomic Bomb Decision Essay

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    One of the most controversial events from World War II (WWII) was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On August 6, 1945, America dropped the world’s first atomic bomb, code name “Little Boy, over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion resulted in over 90,000 deaths. August 9th, 1945, a second bomb was dropped, code name “Fat Man”, on Nagasaki, instantly killing an estimated 70,000 people. On August 15, Japan surrendered unconditionally. President Truman decision to drop these atomic bombs

  • Child-Parent Relationship In Shakespeare's King Lear

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    All societies around the world are basically built on a set of relationships, but the most important of these prevailing relationships is the one between children and their parents. In fact, this relationship is the nucleus upon which the whole society depends and at the same time it is considered the main factor that shapes the individual's personality. Most scholars insist that the behavior of any individual in the community depends on the nature of the relationship which exists between the child

  • Southern Womanhood In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird

    730 Words  | 3 Pages

    In Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird”, the issue of Southern Womanhood is brought up many times throughout the novel. Lee uses many different characters to help show how she viewed Southern Womanhood. Specifically she uses, Scout, Mayella Ewell, and Scout’s Aunt Alexandra. In "To Kill A Mockingbird", Harper Lee uses specific characters to show how negative of an impact Southern Womanhood used to have. Harper Lee uses Scout in many cases to show how she thought Southern Womanhood used to have a

  • How To Taming A Tiger Woods Analysis

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    The authors of this passage sought to catch the reader’s interest in the early life of Tiger Woods through numerous techniques and stylistic devices. The title of a passage “How to Tame a Tiger” caught my interest and attention very quickly. By choosing this topic, as the reader I began to question what this passage might be about. At the beginning of the passage, the author asked a rhetorical question about the achievements of Tiger Woods, he then concluded the sentence by answering his question

  • Did America's Choice To End The War Essay

    864 Words  | 4 Pages

    America’s Choice to End the War August 6, 1945, America dropped the world’s first atomic bomb. The atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima was called Little Boy. The dropping of the atomic bomb helped end the war. Some people believe that dropping the atomic bomb was the wrong thing to do. Had American not dropped the bomb, then who knows what the world would be like today. America might not be allies with Japan. Japan is one of America’s closest allies. While there were alternatives, America

  • What Is Symbolism In The Necklace

    720 Words  | 3 Pages

    “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant Analytical essay (symbols) The class system has been around for centuries, it is probably embedded in our society forever. And Guy de Maupassant’s short story “The Necklace” explores the idea of that system dictating our lives. Maupassant’s story explores the negative influence of the class system on people through the use of a symbol, the “diamond” necklace. By analysing how the necklace influences different character and the ironic reveal at the end of the

  • Boys And Girls By Alice Munro Analysis

    816 Words  | 4 Pages

    “Boys and Girls” The difference in gender roles plays a huge factor in how people in society view themselves. The short story, “Boys and Girls,” by Alice Munro is about a little girl who at the beginning of the story is used to being her father’s helper with his fox farming business, but later, falls into the female stereotype she desperately tries to fight. The girl is proud of the work her father is involved in but she loathes the different chores her mother does every day. Instead of cooking

  • Girl Child Education In Nigeria

    1672 Words  | 7 Pages

    Nigeria has 9 million children of primary school age that do not go to school, which is the most elevated number for any country in the world. Numerous things prevent children from going to school – and gender is a very significant factor. 68% of boys enroll in primary school compared to 58% of girls. When gender is combined with wealth, area and ethnicity, the effect is bothered. The extent of this becomes clear by considering the average number of years that different groups of children spend in

  • Essay On The Pursuit Of Happiness

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    regardless of income” (Wallis). Although money is good in numerous of ways like stability, it still will never equal to happiness. Research conducted by Psychologist, Edward Diener, has proved that, “once your basic needs are met, extra money does little to increase happiness” (Wallis). Yes, with wealth you can live lavishly and buy luxurious vacations, but what do that will not make you happy unless you have people you care about to share that moment

  • Essay On Christmas Gift

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    store-bought gift. Since I was a baby, Christmas has been a magical time of year for my family. There were red and green lights glimmering around the house, family members smiling, and mounds of gifts underneath the tree just waiting to be ripped open by my little hands. When I was around four years old, my parents wanted to surprise me with a special gift, which made that Christmas one to remember. I almost forgot that I had more gifts to unwrap because I was focused on discovering what my parents made me

  • Archibald Motleys Art Analysis

    877 Words  | 4 Pages

    This essay will be analyzing the paintings Mending Socks and Barbecue by Archibald Motley. Mainly focusing on the painting to recognize and understand the visual choices that were made when creating the artwork. As well as being able to state specific elements in the painting. Motleys Artwork The 1920s and 1930s was a time when everyone was inspired by jazz and urban, black expression. It was a moment when modern African American culture took people's imagination. According to Coleman, F. (1995)

  • Why Was The Atomic Bomb Justified

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    On August 6, 1945, the United States of America dropped the world’s first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, a decision that ushered in the nuclear age and marked the end of World War II. When the atomic bomb exploded 70,000 people were killed instantly and thousands more died of radiation sickness within weeks. Three days later, a second bomb killed 40,000 people in Nagasaki (Lawton 4). Was the United States justified in the dropping of the atomic bombs? The use of the atomic bomb

  • A White Heron Literary Analysis

    717 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the short story “A White Heron” by Sarah Orne Jewett, a nine-year-old girl named Sylvia is met in the woods by a young man hunting for birds as she is herding a cow back home. When Sylvia and the young man return to Sylvia’s grandmother’s farm, the grandmother graciously offers the man a place to stay. Due to the setting these characters are placed in, it allows them to act on their different desires and pleasures. The rural setting of this story allows Sylvia to be free. In the story, the reader

  • Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Analysis

    2201 Words  | 9 Pages

    The English author Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series presents a fantastic universe which symbolically can be taken as a parody of our postmodern age, a period of non-stop change and no-boundries in which nothing has a concrete stable meaning. The series displays human being that seems lost in a digital world where philosophical search for the meaning of life and spiritual enlightenment become futile and frivolous under the shadow of the rapid change of technologies. Thus

  • Echo And Narcissus Analysis

    1244 Words  | 5 Pages

    Salvador Dalí’s 1937 oil painting, The Metamorphosis of Narcissus, is his artistic rendering of the story of Echo and Narcissus, a story that first appeared in the Tales from Ovid. It was originally written by Ovid himself, but was later translated by Ted Hughes. In the story, Narcissus is a man who is truly in love and obsessed with himself, and denies Echo and many other nymphs who are in love with him. In the end of the story, Narcissus ends up turning into a flower after he realizes he can never

  • Something Whispered In The Shakuhachi Poem Analysis

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    The poem “Something Whispered in the Shakuhachi” by Garret Hongo focuses on a bamboo grower who was a gardener before the start of the war and used the bamboo he grew to make flutes (Hongo line 7 & 9). The poem is very intimate, reminiscent, and lyrical. Hongo ‘s work focuses on one elderly and weak man who is capable of revealing the strength of spirit that can go beyond the most challenging as well as demeaning of circumstances. The narrator takes up the poignant theme of the internment of the

  • Oppression In The Handmaid's Tale

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    “Nolite te bastardes carborundorum,” a phrase in the novel meaning, “don’t let the bastards grind you down”. This phrase found in the closet pushes Offred to fight against the oppression within the society of Gilead. Margaret Atwood's, The Handmaid's Tale, narrated through the protagonist, Offred, a Handmaid who serves the purpose of reproducing, lets the reader know that handmaids are not allowed to have any verbal interaction with men or have the ability to read. The novel reveals how a patriarchal