Massage therapy is an alternative medicine that has been gaining in popularity at a rapid rate. The field of massage therapy has not only grown in size but also in the availability of therapists, massage studios and clinics that offer massage. There is no question that most people would love to get a massage. What people don't realize about massage is that it not only feels good and relaxes the body, mind and spirit, but it actually is healing to the body, muscles and soft tissues. Massage therapy
Sports massage which is also known as, Bodywork, has come into extraordinary use. - Sports massage, like any massage, will increase the circulation of blood in the body. Improved circulation can be critical for a healthy lifestyle; it is especially helpful to athletes. The circulation in the muscles slows down during activity, the muscles become tighter and sore. After a massage, the muscles will be refreshed by new oxygenated blood. - Sports massage prevents or treats a condition called delayed
our lymph. During the massage the client will be relieved from stress and will be more relaxed, it also relief the pain from headaches and eyestrains and also improve flexibility of the body. There are a few common strokes of a Swedish massage: Effleurage, Petrissage, Friction and Tapotement. Client Scenario Sonja Otto is a 29 year old woman. She is 4 months pregnant and is suffering from heavy swollen legs and feet. The client would like to have a back and neck massage due to a lot of backache and
study which examining the effect of massage of the hamstring muscle group on the performance of the sit and reach test. Eleven healthy males participated in this study. The results show that on completion of a fifteen minute massage consisting of effleurage and petrissage,there was no significant increase in the sit and reach test. The study concluded that a single massage has very little effect on people who already have good joint flexibility however they proposed that massage may be of benefit
massage causing increased bleeding, prolonging the healing process. By including it several weeks into the treatment this should avoid excess bleeding. There are different types of massages that are used as techniques to help the healing process. Effleurage is a massage in which involves oils to warm the muscle area so that it is ready for a deeper massages. Petrissage helps to loosen the muscle fibres, this technique involves kneading the injured area, one hand pulling one way and the other hand pulling
Q9. Explain your understanding of the following: Meridians, Yin and Yang, The Tsubo. What is their significance in Aromatherapy? Meridian is a pathway through which universal or vital energy called Ch'i or Qi flows. An understanding of the Meridians can help Aromatherapists to understand an illness pathway with greater clarity. Yin and Yang are two poles or phrases not exclusive of one another, but mutually convertible. Yin can become Yang and vice versa. And Tsubo are the actual pressure points
Patellar tendonitis (PT) is a chronic overuse injury, associated with anterior knee pain sustained during activity, and is a result of the patella tendon becoming overstressed and inflamed (Kettunen et al., 2002). A tendon is defined as a dense, fibrous tissue which is made up of collagenous fibres and attaches muscles to other body parts; usually bones. The patella tendon is located on the anterior aspect of the knee, and is a continuation of the quadriceps tendon and attaching on to the patella
should stay away from external rotation and internal rotation to prevent the risk of re-injury. During the acute inflammatory phase of the healing process, modalities that can be utilized to help control pain are ice, interferential current, and effleurage. Grade I and grade II anterior joint mobilization can be performed to help combat pain. Posterior joint mobilizations for the elbow joint would be a contraindication