Felinae Essays

  • Research Paper On Cheetah

    1259 Words  | 6 Pages

    367 cheetahs used in the study. Cheetahs have their natural habitat in the eastern and southern parts of Africa (Wilson, et al., 2013) . Of all the felidae found in these parts that are categorized as big cats, the cheetah is the only one from the felinae subfamily. The other two found majorly in this region are the lion(Panthera leo) and the leopard (Panthera pardus ) which are members of the subfamily pantherinae. There are also incidences of animal adoption where private citizens opt to have them

  • Animals And Vegetation In North America Essay

    751 Words  | 4 Pages

    The topic that I want to talk is are the animals and vegetation is North America. The reason why I chosen this topic is because I likes to watch the TV program is about the animals or vegetation. So this time I am going to talk about that, and try to find out the information of this topic. Although most people know about the animals and vegetation in North America, but the animals and vegetation also can give us the information about the climate in North America. There is three points that I want

  • Summary: The Beak Of The Finch

    998 Words  | 4 Pages

    From the book, The Beak of The Finch in pages 21-43, I found many interesting facts, however, one thing that I found most interesting was about Linnaeus, his theories, and how he influenced Darwin. Carl Linnaeus, also known as ‘The Father of Taxonomy’ was a botanist, physician and zoologist born in the early 1700’s. Linnaeus was and is still one of the most influential taxonomist, not only to Darwin, but also to modern science as he contributed largely to the making of the system in which is used

  • Evolution Of Cheetah Essay

    1126 Words  | 5 Pages

    EVOLUTION OF THE CHEETAH Tarik Tillman Table of Contents 1. Phylogenetic Tree……………………………… 2 2. Animal’s Current State………………………… 3 3. Phylogenetic Tree Animals today are facing many environmental stresses like the declince of prey and the loss habitat. Animals deal with these stresses by adapting using the mechanisms of evolution: founder effect, bottleneck, nonrandom mating, mutation, and natural selection. The animal we’ll be focusing on is the Acinonyx Jubatus, also known as the cheetah

  • Evolution Of The Cheetah Research Paper

    1676 Words  | 7 Pages

    EVOLUTION OF THE CHEETAH Tarik Tillman Table of Contents 1. Phylogenetic Tree……………………………… 2 2. Animal’s Current State………………………… 3 3. Affecting Its Survival: Evironmental Changes… 4 4. The Beginning A New Era………………………... 5 5. The Evolutionary Future Is Near!...................... 6 Phylogenetic Tree Animals today are facing many environmental stresses like the decline of prey and the loss habitat. Animals deal with these stresses by adapting using the mechanisms of evolution: founder