Freeganism Essays

  • Why This Controversial German Woman Turn Her Back On Money For 16 Years Summary

    533 Words  | 3 Pages

    AoW money free lifestyle Would you leave a cushy well paying job and start to live a life with no money? In the article “Why This Controversial German Woman Turned Her Back On Money for 16 Years” written by Mandi Woodruff in 2002, it discusses Heidemarie Shwermer doing just that. This article explains why Shwermer chose a moneyless lifestyle and shares experiences she’s had because of it. Others should not follow in Shwermer’s footsteps to live without money. One reason that people shouldn’t

  • They Live Off What We Toss In The Trash Analysis

    306 Words  | 2 Pages

    Trash, by Jan Goodwin, Freeganism is a growing social phenomenon where people live virtually exclusive on things that other people discard. This is not necessarily because they lack the money to purchase things, instead it is because they believe that our culture is wasteful and they are doing this due to their environmental conscience. Through implementing the concepts of freegans, one can obtain all their basic necessities at not cost. Based upon the article freeganism is a group of people that