Holography Essays

  • Beggar In The Living Room Analysis

    1576 Words  | 7 Pages

    Where would modern civilization be without empathy? Empathy allows us to relate to others in a way that is meaningful during tragedies. Empathy is what makes people human. Without it, humans would act in ways that are closer to zombies or robots. A scary depiction of a world without empathy is “Beggar in the Living Room,” by Bill Watkins. A completely emotionally numb aunt and uncle represent the general population when they are faced with disturbing images via hologram. The aunt and uncle in the

  • Data Encryption Research Paper

    1524 Words  | 7 Pages

    Among them are double random phase encoding (DRPE) [1], digital holography [15], Fractional Fourier transform FrFT [5], [10], optical exclusive- OR [45], virtual (digital) optics [43], watermarking, and polarization [45]. These techniques use a complete optical set up which include; source light, lenses, mirrors, splitters