Indirect tax Essays

  • Gender Differences In Communication

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    \Numerous studies have been conducted to further evaluate how men and women communicate, differences in their communication as well as how cultural differences play a role in communication. However, many studies do not show how these differences in culture or gender carry over into the day-to-day responsibilities in the workplace, many of the research only shows the gender and cultural communication in close personal relationships. Many written articles explore the differences in communication regarding

  • Louisiana Legislature Oks 50-Cent Tax Increase On A Pack Of Cigarettes?

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    In article, the writer points out that Louisiana legislature Oks 50-cent tax increase on a pack of cigarettes. To prove the statement, we can apply a microeconomic concept which is tax on buyer and tax on seller to the situation. An excise tax is a tax charged on each unit of a good or service that is sold. To discourage consumption of some good is one of the typical aims for excise taxes. From time to time, governments place taxes on markets with intentionally decrease market activity for the reason

  • Junk Food Tax Essay

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    to apply an indirect tax of a 2% on the price of junk food, an inelastic product. Junk food is a demerit good with negative externalities and therefore the government wants to decrease the quantity demanded. In this case the tax applied is an Ad Valorem tax as it is a percentage of the price. Introduction to the theory: An indirect tax changes the structure of a market provoking an increase in prices and a decrease in the quantity demanded and supplied. However the effect of the tax varies depending

  • Cigarettes: Article Analysis

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    The article ' 'Smokers to pay more for cigarettes as tobacco taxes rise by 13.7 per cent ' ' was published on Monday, 1 Sep 2014. It is about an indirect tax imposed on cigarettes. The price for cigarettes rose because the government imposed a 13.7 per cent tax. Price for cigarettes in Australia is higher than in most countries and the article estimates that by 2016, one cigarettes will cost $1. This will give the government about $13 from every packet sold. This article perfectly shows an example

  • Tax In Mauritius Essay

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    In countries such as Italy, taxpayers regularly challenge tax legislation on constitutional grounds. Taxpayers in the US continue to challenge the US progressive rate structure at trial and appeals court levels without success. In Mauritius, we do not have ample case law related to the taxpayers’ right but in case of a dispute regarding taxation, the court should be able to censure any excessively high tax burden on citizens. Some rare case exist for instance when the NRPT was introduced. In 2010

  • Fat Tax In Daniel Engber's Let Them Drink Water

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    popular is a “fat tax”. Now the problems that come with setting up such a tax is to define one’s terms. What factors should constitute the taxing that is associated with obesity? In Daniel Engber’s piece called “Let Them Drink Water!”, he talks about how taxing directly in a per pound overweight fashion isn’t really ideal. People aren’t really going to be too thrilled with paying an extortion fee to the government based on their bodily weight. But the current method of indirect taxing through soda

  • Plastic Bag Levy Case Study

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    Plastic bag manufacturer in Lancashire has gone bankrupt and workers have been made redundant due to 5p plastic bag charge in England. Plastic bag charge is a type of indirect tax that is levied on expenditure of a good or service and it is a per-unit tax as it is levied on each unit of output by a fixed amount. The consumption of plastic bag produces negative externality; meaning costs experienced by third-party as more consumption leads to more non-biodegradable bags disposed in the environment

  • Abbott Government Budget Essay

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    puts in place steady and significant fiscal consolidation designed to give the Abbott government two big re-election promises – the return to surplus and the reward of tax cuts. The 2014/15 Australian Budget leaves Australians working longer, receiving less generous payments and lose income supplements as they age under wide-ranging tax reforms, an almost double in taxpayer spending on child care and an extra $7 co-payment for routine doctor’s appointments and tests from July next year. In his first

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Welfare System

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    However, many others find taxing productive workers subsidizes the less productive tantamount to theft (Joseph Westfall n.d.) Since people will do what satisfies them, or that they don’t have to work to receive benefits, tax payers are worried for the welfare program because they are paying for all the services. This reason is exactly why people are so against social welfare. Taxpayers try to bring the poor to an economic level where they can act by themselves. They

  • White Lumber Case Study

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    The ethical issues involved in this case study is that White Lumber was $5000 below breakeven point and in order to reach the breakeven point used unethical practices. One among them was that they did not carry scaffold plank. Scaffold plank are wooden suspended planks between metal supporters. These scaffold planks were often used many floors above the ground in the construction industry. A close substitute of this plank was an ordinary lumber. The lumber had to be highly disinfected of the natural

  • Sam Walton Made In America Analysis

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    The story in my heart is “Sam Walton: Made in America”. Why? Just imagine that you have 1 billion dollars. What would you do with the money? Would you think of buying a manison? Using it expand the size of your wardrobe? Or maybe a better car? Sam Walton was a person who really had a billion dollars, however, he did something very surprising with his money. Unlike all the other millionaires and billionaires out there, he didn’t spend it on a manison, clothes, or a better car. He saved the money.

  • Role Of Coordination In Healthcare

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    EFFECTIVE COORDINATION OF ACTIVITIES OF THE HOSPITAL TO IMPROVE PATIENT’S CARE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CONCEPT Coordination is one of the management functions and it is defined by Merriam Webster dictionary as the process of organizing people or groups so that they work together properly and well. It could also be defined as the process of organizing the various elements of a complex whole to function accurately and efficiently. Coordination in any organization is very vital as organization and also

  • The Pros And Cons Of Tuition In College

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    Going to college is stressful enough without the need to worry about tuition and how you’re going to pay for it. This makes it harder for students going to college to graduate and brings a lot of stress to their lives. According to Lockman and Servaty-Seib, suicide is estimated to occur at a rate of between 4.25 and 6.5 per 100,000 students, and this is the second cause of death for college youth (154). When the workload in college is overflowing and we are expected to put hours into studying for

  • Elements Of Health Promotion

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    Health care promotion is considered as the responsibility of every nurse. In order to promote health care practices nurses need to understand clearly the term “Health Promotion”. While conducting analysis it is identified that it is essential for nurses to significantly recognise that health promotion is a broader concept. For the particular purpose, it is necessary for nurses to develop distinctive skills and capabilities to reduce health care associated risks and optimise the productivity while

  • Essay On Mileage Reimbursement

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    understand what type of mileage reimbursement that they can receive, when they should get it, and how much money they are entitled to. This article will address all of these topics in detail according to information that is given by the IRS and other tax officials. What is the Best Type of Mileage Reimbursement for an Employee to Get? There are two different types of mileage reimbursement that a company can use. The first type pays the employee a set fee for each mile that they drive for business

  • Sin Taxes Synthesis

    1201 Words  | 5 Pages

    “Sin taxes” are a type of excise tax levied on harmful products such as alcohol or tobacco. One of cigarette taxes’ purposes is to reduce smoking habits. However, what seems like a simple solution to generate revenue for the government and deter a harmful habit has social consequences that cannot be overlooked. Because cigarette taxes are currently regressing society by hurting low-income smokers and encouraging smuggling in the United States, they should either be revoked, or the generated revenue

  • Informal Finance Literature Review

    4678 Words  | 19 Pages

    CONTRIBUTION OF GOVERNMENT TO RURAL INVESTMENTS 2. LITREATURE REVIEW CHAPTER CPM: 9680 DEFINITION REVIEW In any country the financial system consist of two components, which is formal and informal sector. Formal sector is well organized and institutionalized compared to informal sector. These are subjected to the investigation of the major regulatory bodies of the country. Even though these regulatory bodies implement policies regarding the informal sector, it is still not adequately

  • Aviva Lifeshield Platinum Case Study

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    other financial liabilities. Why Buy This Plan? One should buy this plan if: • One wants comprehensive protection for the family at a nominal cost • One wants a choice of life protection, income protection, or loan protection • One wants to avail tax benefits on all the premiums paid Key Features • Nominal Cost: This competitively priced term insurance plan offers affordable protection •

  • Kasatchie Entertainment Case Study

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    While operating as limited liability partnership following all tax laws set forth by the state of Louisiana and the IRS, Kasatchie Entertainment, LLP will utilize an accrual accounting system. With each executive director’s background in accounting, the owners believe that this accounting method will show the growth and performance of all business ventures. By utilizing this accounting system Kasatchie Entertainment, LLP will have a more immediate reflection of how much money is coming in and what

  • Medical Marijuana Dispensary Case Study

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    there is a yearly $75 renewal fee for the medical marijuana registration card. What about taxes on medical marijuana in Nevada? Nevada imposes a 2% excise tax on each retail or wholesale of marijuana and its allied products. The tax applies even if the purchaser is a patient cardholder or a medical marijuana dispensary. This 2% excise tax is in addition to any local, use and state taxes. How many medical marijuana dispensaries does Nevada