John Cage Essays

  • John Cage Research Paper

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    John Cage was a major innovator who opened up new musical possibilities in the latter half of the twentieth century. Cage’s perspective of composing music was very popular in the twentieth century. The composition of music developed to another period in twentieth century. As a pupil of Schoenberg, Cage went further to create new method in his music composition. His ideas of envisioning the music, and using time and duration to compose, were pioneering. The vocabulary of music expand to all kinds

  • How Has John Cage Changed Over Time Period

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    Feldman, Pierre Boulez etc., but John Cage became the principal figure and the most influential composer to whom chance became a standard tool for composition: he used it in practically every work composed after 1951. Although Cage had used chance operations on a few earlier occasions, the first pieces fully written in this new approach were: “Imaginary Landscape No. 4” for 12 radio receivers and “Music of Changes” for piano, written in 1951. Earlier that year, Cage was presented with a copy of the

  • John Cage12 In The 1950's

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    In the early 1950s, composer, John Cage12 was influenced by the concepts of the Dadaist and Futurist performance. In 1952, he presented at Black Mountain College a performance combining multimedia elements of film and pre-recorded sounds with spoken word and movement. When applying Kirby’s definition of a Happening, this event meets the criteria. The performances were self-contained units, presented at the same time with a focus on the “found environment”13 and open to chance occurrences14 that might

  • Rezone Pros And Cons

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    Alyssa Ayala September 12th, 2016 Professor Nyasulu Should Frisco ISD Rezone Every Year? On a percentage basis, no school district in the country grew faster than FISD from 1990-91 to 2010-11. In the article “Frisco ISD parental complaint: Rezoned again” by William Taylor claims that rezoning is something that has to continue to happen due to the growth of the city that’s been rising for the past couple years. It will continue to grow with the new Dallas Cowboys training complex and the new Toyota’s

  • Symbolism In Glaspell's Trifles

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    she married John. Mrs.Hale is the only person who remembers how Minnie used to be, and she feels sorry for her and regrets not coming over to her house to visit her(according to Glaspell, Susan. Trifles. 1916 ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.). The bird also represented Minnie’s freedom. For example, the bird’s singing and ways made Minnie happy and when John killed him all of that went away. That 's when Minnie became a

  • Trifles Symbols

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    who has ever tasted homemade cherry preserves has got to experience the delight they bring to the eye as well as the plate. Therefore. The preserves also represent the youth of Minnie. She was a beautiful, bright, and cheerful women before marrying John Wright. Three, Minnie wasn’t “allowed” to have children according to Mr. Wright. So these cherry preserves are almost like her babies. She would put herself through the hard labor of canning the cherries in order to have something to look forward to

  • Super Chelsy: A Short Story

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    put me here , i think they still here , be careful Chelsey they are so mean. Chelsey: Do not worry . let me get you out of here . Chelsey closed her eyes and moved her finger in the sky and said word that Roze did not understand it . Suddenly the cage opened . Chelsey and Roze hug each other and cry . While doing that they heard the sound . it was the boys . Chelsey told rose to hide. and she makes her self invisible . she walked to the boys, but they did not realized that someone”invisible chelsey”

  • John Cages 4-33 Analysis

    942 Words  | 4 Pages

    John Cage’s 4’33” is a famous piece of avant-garde music. Its radical nature challenges the conventions of music, and to this day confuses and frustrates the masses. Still the question remains, does it have any value, and how does one understand it? John Cage’s 4’33” has valuable for music industry. One can certainly be argued that the piece is not music; I have trouble deciding whether the piece is classifiable as music. Regardless, it still has value for the music world. It is a piece that helps

  • Hip Hop Planet Speech

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    Hip Hop is seen as something inspiring, but most people see it as a way to speak out the truth about a problem. As in “Hip Hop planet” being able say the truth can sometimes worsen any situation because sometimes what we say can promote violence and whatever happens after is not in our control. The essay is about how hip hop has changed into speaking out the issues that need to be taken care of in order to maintain a proper society. McBride talked about how rappers use violent lyrics to degrade women

  • Personal Narrative-Level Playing Fields

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    in life when I was trapped by a monstrous creature. I could not figure out how it pertained to what happened that day, but the images were so clear and seemed relevant to the topic even though it occurred so long ago. I could smell the wood from the cage I was put in, day in and day out, when the creature did not want to torture me any longer. She would grab my arm and pull me up, hurting my shoulder. Every night there were songs that played through my ear- such a cacophony. I would lay awake at night

  • Edna Pontellier As An Outlier In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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    the beginning of the novel who is constantly shot down for speaking its mind. Edna is also treated poorly for voicing what she believes. Another parallel between the bird and Edna is the cage. The parrot is left in a cage in the front hall, unable to spread its wings and fly. Edna is trapped in a metaphorical cage. Ironically, the house that she moves into toward the end of the novel is labeled the pigeon house. Many more instances in the novel relate Edna to birds, all showing how she is trapped

  • John Cages 4 33 Analysis

    777 Words  | 4 Pages

    Throughout the history of 20th Century music, John Cage’s 4’33” remains as one of the most controversial works that have shaped the landscape of modern music. Presumably conceived in the late 1940s, 4’33” shifted from the traditional methods of composing music by introducing atonal qualities and principles of non-musical tones into the realm of avant-garde music. Since then, musicologists, renowned composers and members of the public, have debated over the significance of this “silent piece”. Although

  • John Cage Avant Garde Analysis

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    At UCLA, John Cage composed music for several choreographies, and incorporated for the first time non-musical elements in his compositions, ranging from kitchen utensils, to metal sheets, and household objects. The following year, in 1938, he moved to Seattle, Washington, and worked at the Cornish School of the Arts as a composer and dance accompanist. He experimented works with dance, and collaborated with the choreographer and dancer Merce Cunningham. At that time, he made several breakthrough

  • Freedom And Freedom In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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    customs and traditions and question the injustice they faced. The novella begins with a very blatant symbol: the bird trapped in the cage is symbolic of all the women in society who feel as though they are trapped by gender inequality. Chopin wants all women to embrace their wants and desires; Chopin calls on women who long for independence to finally escape from their cage and find their independence. The ending of the novella remains ambiguous. Edna, who has learns how to swim, ventures out deep

  • Ms. Gulon: A Short Story

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    Right at this moment, just as we had sat down, most likely the worst teacher in the whole school had just walked in the room. Ms. Gulon was her name, she was ugly, as like ugly I meant she had a big, brown, three dimensional mole right on the left of her nose. She always wore dirty and baggy clothing on, and smelt as if she had cut onions in her pockets all of the time, her teeth were as bright as caution tape. I had described her teeth that way because caution tape means you 're too close to the

  • Persuasive Essay On High School Cages

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    flying, but trapped in a cage. All of a sudden, the cage is opened and the bird must make the decision: do I fly away from all that I know into the unknown with the hopes of soaring high in the sky as a free spirit, even with possible danger ahead, or do I stay in my cage where I will be perfectly safe, but will never know what I’m capable of? This scenario captures the struggles and decisions of the transition from middle school to high school, middle school being the cage around the bird and high

  • Argumentative Essay On Winston Peacock's Murder

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    Winston Peacock’s Mystery Mr. Winston Peacock was found in his home January 2nd. Jenny Goodheart, the mail carrier, discovered his body after peering through the side window of the house. She’d noticed the previous day’s milk bottle and mail still on his front step, unusual for Mr. Peacock, so she had investigated. When the police arrived, what they were greeted with was a puzzling scene. They found evidence that seemed to point to murder, then some towards suicide. However, the most tangible evidence

  • Persuasive Essay On Why I Should Get Another Bunny

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    We should get another bunny because our old bunny should have a friend to play with. I would play with it as a baby so it won't be scared about being touched. When I bring our old, shy bunny into the house, we all crowded around it, but it’s shy, so it tries to hop away, and our new bunny wouldn’t. This bunny could also go to the fair. Bunnies are so soft, and cute. All we want to do is hug them. Mom would love the bunny a lot, because they are nicer than cats, and don't give her an allergic reaction

  • Lonely Broken Lion Summary

    2439 Words  | 10 Pages

    Loken: Lonely Broken Lion Project ID 618539-Xlibris Written by: Ashley Broadway Copyright 2014 Children’s Book About the book: The story is set in the heart of the jungle, where there is a lost, lonely, broken lion named Loken. This lion has not had the easiest life, and has seen many hard times with is father. Loken is a different lion; he has the strength of many lions; but the heart of a lamb. He is looking all over for a friend that understands him, and can handle is unique behavior.

  • Argumentative Essay On Rap Music

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    Music, like most forms of art, often shares subjective views with its listeners. An individual favourite song may be the next person's most hated song. Although different factors come into play when determining if music is good or not, there is no concrete definition of ‘good music’. Society continues to label certain songs originating from genres such as hip-hop, blaming the music for violent acts committed within society. In 1994, a 17-year-old shot a cop in Milwaukee, telling police that he was