From the 1990’s movie entitled Awakenings directed by Penny Marshall. A sprung of hope has happened to people who suffered the post-effect of the 1920’s epidemic disease called Encephalitis Lethargica by bringing them back to their mobile bodies for a limited time by the neurologist, Dr. Malcolm Sayer. Encephalitis Lethargica, also known as sleeping sickness, is viral epidemic encephalitis that occurred between 1915 and 1926 and those who survived the initial infection displayed long-term apathy
In 1937 Eastern Africa, in the country of Uganda, was the first time that West Nile Virus was identified. The disease then quickly spread to the United States, first reaching New York in 1999. Since then, West Nile Virus has spread throughout the world, including most of North America. Today, many cases are reported primarily in the tropics of North America, South America and Asia. (Con. Spr., 1). Due to the fact that mosquitoes carry the most disease in the early fall, the largest amount of people
accompanied by possible fever, headache, body aches, fatigue, back pain, and occasionally skin rash, swollen lymph glands, and eye pain. Less than 1% of those infected can develop a serious neurological infection. These may include encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, meningitis, West Nile poliomyelitis, and acute flaccid paralysis. The signs of these infections may include high fever, severe headache, stiff neck, disorientation or confusion, stupor or coma, tremors or muscle jerking, lack of coordination
life, which is very informative to the human society. The movie “Contagion” is a medical thriller directed by famous director Steven Soderbergh. The movie is based on the active breakthrough of a destructive airborne virus which is known as Meningoencephalitis Virus One (MEV-1), as the spread of the disease grows rapidly the medical research group and the government finds ways to cure and rule out the deadly outbreak by removing horror in the society and ultimately developing a vaccine to stop the
humans; the overt for of the disease has a case fatality rate around 20%. The two main clinical manifestations of the disease are sepsis and meningitis. In the case of meningitis, it is commonly complicated by encephalitis, when it is known as meningoencephalitis, a pathology that is unusual for bacterial infections. [2] The incubation period can vary and ranges from 3 to 70 days.[3] Characteristics & laboratory identification; Listeria species are gram-positive, rod-shaped, and facultative anaerobes
Free-living amoeba (FLA) in the amoebozoa group encompasses the largest group of protists, and have been known important in ecologically and medically. They can cause a serious disease to humans and animals if delayed of treatment. Amoeba was first discovered using microscope by August Johann Rösel von Rosenhof in 1757 (Joseph, 1878). The origins of the name “Amoeba” is derived from the Greek word referring to their common amoeboid motion, i.e. crawling-like movement. They also have been described