Namond Brice Essays

  • Marlon And Quanta Are Using Drugs (Unknown)

    313 Words  | 2 Pages

    Per Reporter: Marlon and Quanta are using drugs (unknown). Marlon forces Quanta to use drugs; if she doesn’t he’ll physically abuse her. Jeremiah, Jamiyah and Jamarlon witness the abuse; Jaylon, Jeremy and Jada are usually away from the home when the abuse happens. The drugs are not manufactured or sold. It is unknown if the children have been physically harmed due to Quanta or Marlon being under the influence. The children are not properly cared for. If there’s food in the home, it’s not much. The

  • Mayor Carcetti's The Wire

    1388 Words  | 6 Pages

    Television is often regarded as a fun way to cool down after a long day. Some, however, are known to be tools to bring awareness to topics that are in need of drastic reconstruction. One show that did just that was the HBO original, The Wire. The Wire critiqued policing and corruption in inner city Baltimore, a rarity in television. The show was dense and had many plotlines, but it was obvious to every viewer, that the creators took very specific positions on the problematic climate that Baltimore