Nupedia Essays

  • Jimmy Wales Research Paper

    687 Words  | 3 Pages

    encyclopedia). Wales began a new adventure, launching ‘Nupedia’ in 2000 with Larry Sanger, a PhD student at Ohio State University, and worked as its editor-in-chief (simplyknowledge). In 2001 the wiki concept was introduced to Wales by Ben Kovitz, an experienced programming expert. The wiki is a “website on which users collaboratively modify content and structure directly from the web browser (Wikipedia).” His suggestion failed to interest the Nupedia hierarchy because they feared it would

  • Wikipedia Research Paper

    704 Words  | 3 Pages

    The subject of my essay is the online encyclopedia. Online encyclopedia is not only just presenting the digital editions of traditional encyclopedia bust also every user of it could contribute materials.(Online encyclopedia) Among all online encyclopedias, Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia that allows its users to edit almost any article accessible, is usually considering as the represent of the highest level of online encyclopedia. (Wikipedia)The popularity and size of it are extremely amazing. Every

  • Research Paper On Wikipedia

    1367 Words  | 6 Pages

    According to University of Delaware (2008), Wikipedia is a web page that enable anybody to edit the content. Originally, the intention for creating Wikipedia is to enable any web user to read and at the same time write in the web page for knowledge sharing. Wikipedia also has a huge amount of user and audience. It also stated that Wikipedia has no authorship and using simplified markup language. Wikipedia content is owned by the community meaning that any one that sharing something in the web page