Orthokeratology Essays

  • Orthokeratology Theory

    1174 Words  | 5 Pages

    together result in a change in overall corneal shape from the normal prolate (flattening) asphere towards a more spherical VISUAL OUTCOMES OF OVERNIGHT ORTHOKERATOLOGY Results in respect of unaided vision reported from various clinical studies of overnight OK have been significant with a large majority of subjects in recent studies achieving 6/6 or better. In clinical practice potential visual problems arises due to under- or over-correction of myopia or significant residual refractive astigmatism

  • Pros And Cons Of Orthomolecular Medicine

    626 Words  | 3 Pages

    nces. Orthomolecular Medicine is a substitute medicine directed at sustaining health through “nutritional supplementation” and based on the claim that there is high nutritional content in the body and that diseases shows weaknesses in this nutritional content. substances that are natural in the body like vitamins and minerals are needed to treat and repair these diseases. However, this approach is not the most popular with doctors and researchers. Orthomolecular medicine has been a widely debated

  • Orthok Case Study

    1076 Words  | 5 Pages

    Orthokeratology (also known as Ortho-K) uses an extremely high oxygen permeable corneal mold to temporarily reshape the cornea. The molds are worn while sleeping and taken out upon wakening. This means that your child’s sight will be good during the day hence allowing him/her to go to school, exercise and swim without needing glasses or contact lenses. What can we achieve with Ortho-K? The aim of Ortho-K is to control progression of myopia with the additional benefit of independence from glasses