Pro-ana Essays

  • Pros And Cons Of Pro-Mia Sites

    553 Words  | 3 Pages

    I never heard of pro-ana or pro-mia sites prior to reading about them in this class. My overall view of them is a pretty negative one. Three “advantages” to these sites: 1) People with any kind of disorder often feel secluded like they are the only ones with their problem. These sites help create a community where males and females with eating disorders can feel like they have a place and a sense of belonging. These sites can help boost their moral and give them healthy ways of living with an eating

  • Pro-Ana Subculture

    413 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pro-Ana: A Subculture That is a Counterculture Pro-Ana is a subculture that focuses on promoting anorexia and bulimia, or “mia”, as good lifestyle choices. According to Yong Che Jeong’s slideshow (2012), participants include, “over 85 different discussion groups; over 11 million females and one million males in US” (slide 2). I’m sure those numbers have risen in the past five years due to advancing technologies and rising bullying and self-doubting. This can easily be identified as a subculture

  • Surfing For Thinness: Pro-Ana Community Analysis

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    failures” (“Ana’s Creed”). This is just one example of the literature found on pro-anorexia, pro-ana, websites. This passage as well as many others bear an eerie resemblance to Christian religious texts. The Ana Creed, Thin Commandments, Pro-Ana Psalm and ritual of summoning are popular features in the pro-ana community that take wording from Christian prayers and teachings. Despite the prevalence of this aspect of the pro-ana community, little research has

  • Brush Fire Linda Thomas Analysis

    1529 Words  | 7 Pages

    The infamous winds of Santa Ana repeatedly help develop a sky ridden with smoke, but for many on the golden coast this is just a typical day. The winds spiral into flames catching among the wild flowers that flourish on the vast valleys of California. These winds are unstoppable. However, it seems as if many refuse this idea in hopes that the land in california will become untouched by the dry winds if humans decide to build. It seems as if no one realizes that the ash from last year will be buried

  • Analysis Of Joan Didion's The Santa Ana Wind

    767 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Santa Ana Winds Analysis There are moments when mother nature does something that may be inexplicable to mankind. There is not always an explanation for why things happen, sometimes they just do. Joan Didion tries to describe the instinct that people have that tells them the Santa Ana winds are the reason for the change in the climate and within one another. Didion sets a dreadful tone to her essay by associating a set of words that contain unhappy connotations, with the wind. She begins the

  • Summary Of Joan Didion's Los Angeles Notebook

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    humanity and the way people operate together in certain scenarios. There is an eerie sense to this piece, as the subject is the hot winds known as foehn by scientists, but otherwise known as a “Santa Ana” by the people of the region. Didion claims that, in the simplest terms, “to live with the Santa Ana is to accept, consciously or unconsciously, a deeply mechanistic view of human behavior,”

  • Singapore Abortion Ethical Issues

    932 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Abortion is one of the controversial issue face in worldwide. The word abortion comes from the Latin “abortio”.There are two types of abortion induced abortion where the mother decide to terminate the pregnancy before birth and the other is spontaneous abortion which result in natural death of the fetus in the womb. In Singapore abortion is legal. There are about 10,960 abortions in Singapore in 2012.According to the termination of pregnancy act law there is no age limit for abortion

  • Importance Of Abortion In Teenagers

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    TO: MR MALAY KRISHNA, CHAIRPERSON, CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY BOARD CC: MR ANAND RAO, HEAD, HUMAN RESOURCES FROM: ANURAG GUPTA PGP-14-174 SUBJECT: CRITIQUE OF THE ESSAY ON TEENAGERS’ AUTONOMY ON ABORTION DATE: OCTOBER 6, 2014 I would like to share my views on the essay about the autonomy of abortion by Teenagers, the article seem to bear relevance for our proposal towards supporting the CSR investment to the organization under consideration. The essay analysis the laws permitting teenagers

  • Common Causes Of Infertility

    1224 Words  | 5 Pages

    A major problem that most couples face today is Infertility. Infertility is a medical condition where a couple fails to conceive or reproduce within the following 12 months after intercourse or unprotected sex. The medical condition of Infertility is often preconceived to occur primarily due to disorders in the reproductive system of the female partner, which is completely false as the disorders in the reproductive system of the male partner are equally responsible for infertility ( There

  • Abortion: Controversial Rights Of International Human Rights

    959 Words  | 4 Pages

    Abortion is one of the most controversial rights of International Human rights, it is always being debated whether or not abortion rights should be a right in itself or a violation of social rights, Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy before the fetus or the unborn child and can live on its own without the mother. The first trimester of pregnancy before week 12 is the safest period for an abortion to be done. Women from all over the world have been involved in abortion for many

  • Roe V. Wade's Case Of Abortion

    1732 Words  | 7 Pages

    Although some women feel as though abortion is wrong. Others feel that they should have the right to go things to their body without government interference. In 1973 the United States Supreme Court decided the case of Roe V. Wade. Jane Roe was a single mother trying to raise one child on a limited income. She was living in Dallas Texas when she became pregnant with another child. There were no medical issues that would have prevented her from carrying this child to full term. The lack of income

  • Effects Of Abortion

    893 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Effects of Abortion Once in a while people may experience sudden things that they don’t want or can’t endure. For some women, this may include pregnancy. A number of women resort to abortion to get rid of their unwanted babies. Abortion is the destroying of pregnancy by removing the baby from the uterus. Such a procedure is extremely dangerous. Unfortunately, many women are not aware of the consequences and how harmful they can be. Even if abortion is legal in many countries women still

  • Social Problem Of Abortion In Society

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    Abortion is a symptom of social problem reality in society. The rise of abortion practices in society leads to the tendency of a shift in value where the phenomenon is regarded as something common. Abortion can happens when a fertilized egg or embryo is lost naturally. This is known as a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage and happens in about one in four known pregnancies. Many more occure within the first weeks of pregnancy, before a period is even missed. An abortion (sometimes called termination

  • Critical Analysis Of Abortion

    1021 Words  | 5 Pages

    “Abortion -should it be a right of every woman in the present context- A critical analysis” 1. Introduction I elected to present my dissertation on a topic based on ‘abortion’ since it is a hidden social menace in our society. It is like an iceberg. The tip represents the reported abortions, which everyone sees. However, there ismore and more of that iceberg hidden below the surface of the water. In the Health Master Plan 2007-2016, Ministryof Healthcare & Nutrition of Sri Lanka has identified

  • Cause Of Abortion

    1341 Words  | 6 Pages

    First of all, the abortion refers to “Abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it doesn't result in the birth of a child. Sometimes it is called 'termination of pregnancy'.” (British Pregnancy Advisory Agency , 2015). It means to terminate pregnancy whether through induced or spontaneous causes. When the abortion is spontaneous, it is referred to as a miscarriage. When the abortion is induced, this refers to plan pregnancy termination. The abortion statistics have displayed the rise in abortion

  • The Role Of Abortion In Sakia Gunn's Death

    670 Words  | 3 Pages

    Leah Lakshmi implies the neutrality in the novel over the stance of abortion through working at an abortion clinic, appeasing the pro-choice side, and referencing a song named “To Zion” to appease the pro-life side. The main reason for the neutrality was to not begin a morality debate of abortion but rather focus on the relationship between sexual abuse and abortion. She demonstrates this relationship while in a scene

  • Roe V Wade Case

    1268 Words  | 6 Pages

    Court Case Roe v. Wade is not an Ovary-Action What is abortion? Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy ( When considering the choice of abortion many people forget the basis fundamentals of what the denotation of the word is. This definition of the word and what it means to a woman is what the court and jury during the court case Roe v. Wade had to decide on. On January 22, 1973 the US Supreme Court

  • Margaret Sanger's The Morality Of Birth Control

    763 Words  | 4 Pages

    An Analysis of Margaret Sanger’s “The Morality of Birth Control” At a time when the Women’s Rights Movement was beginning to take off in full force, Margaret Sanger her position on women’s rights of healthcare known. With the potential plans to defund Planned Parenthood, “The Morality of Birth Control” is as pertinent in women’s health today as it was then. Margaret Sanger argued that birth control did not compromise morality; she believed that American society was immoral in denying birth control

  • Analysis Of Valarie Tarico's For Abortion

    527 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the article, the author Valarie Tarico is for abortion. She believes abortion is right and men and women should make a family however they want to make it. She says that it is one of the biggest decisions in life to bring a child into the world. She then goes on and explains ten reasons why she is for abortion. Her reasons for abortion are; limiting the amount of time a woman has a child is “female empowerment and equality”, pregnancies are better when they are spaced out, parenting is a hard

  • Is Abortion Ethically Wrong

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    opinions and not afraid to publicise them. The anti-abortion (pro-life) view is that getting an abortion is wrong. In contrast, people who are pro-choice believe that women have the choice to keep the baby or not. Ultimately, the decision to end a pregnancy shouldn’t be taken lightly, but should be the woman’s choice, and no one else’s. It is not up to one group of people to decide what is ethically appropriate for everyone else. Frankley, the pro-life movement is sexist and abortions are justifiable because