Rano Raraku Essays

  • Moai Statues Research Paper

    977 Words  | 4 Pages

    There is an island in the midst of the Pacific Island called the Easter Island. This mysterious island is filled with statues of heads called Moai statues. The Moai statues are about 13 feet tall and weigh over 14 tons (history.com staff). There are three questions that many archeologists have been trying to answer. Who created them? How were they made and how did they get there? Many archeologists have come up with different theories of what could have happened.They ran trials and experiments with

  • Moai On Easter Island Essay

    718 Words  | 3 Pages

    Great ideas and innovations don’t appear out of nowhere, it takes time, dedication and most of all hard work. There are two great man made things that took much hard work from many different people to build, things like that which were built years ago is still a mystery to people nowadays. These two man made things are the Moai on Easter Island and the Panama Canal. Both of them took much dedication and also are marvels to people even today however, differ in many ways as well, an example of witch

  • Fall Of Easter Island Research Paper

    1362 Words  | 6 Pages

    Intro: The fall of Easter Island has been claimed to be one of the biggest mysteries in the world. Many people have debated if Easter Island turned into a small inhabitable island due to mass ecocide? Or, did the society fall because the tribes stated turning against each other, so was it genocide? Or was it a story of success, were the inhabitants adapted to the harsh conditions and limited food, surviving off rats and small vegetables. Was the problem one of the people due people, or people due

  • Easter Island Informative Speech

    1707 Words  | 7 Pages

    isolated island in the world from other islands or continents. The island is most famous for their statues scattered across the island called “Moai.” There are a few main volcanos on the island: the Rano Raraku, Rano Kau, Tereveka and the Poike. The stone statues were all carved from the Rano Raraku volcano, which is 600 feet tall, almost as tall as the Seattle Space Needle. Easter island has a very tropical climate. It is very humid there, and there are a lot of hills. The only food that grows there