The Monkey Wrench Gang Essays

  • The Monkey Wrench Gang Analysis

    1233 Words  | 5 Pages

    standing. The need for a political and ethical movement to protect the natural world and end environmental oppression is evident in art and literature such as Edward Abbey's fictional novel of combating industrialization, The Monkey Wrench Gang (Macfarlane). The Monkey Wrench Gang portrays characters who are economically

  • In The Monkey Wrench Gang Sparknotes

    1689 Words  | 7 Pages

    He believes himself to be of higher intelligence morally to Hayduke. Nevertheless, Smith allows Hayduke to come on a rafting trip with the other future members of the Monkey Wrench Gang. It is on this trip that they decide to work together to save the desert. The main problem is that Hayduke wants to use guns and explosives, and the others are firmly against it. In an argument with Bonnie, Hayduke yells “‘Sidearms!’ ‘No.’ ‘Guns