Internal Dimensions The internal dimensions of a theory act as guidelines to describe it and to enhance understanding of the approaches used to evolve it; they also help to identify gaps in the theory (Meleis, 2018). The first dimension is the rationale on which the theory is built (Meleis, 2018). The components of the theory of self-transcendence are united in a chain-link and are based on certain sets of relationships that are deduced from a small set of basic principles (Reed, 2008). The second
It was considered one of the most beautiful and "elvish" places in Middle-earth during the Third Age, and had the only mallorn-trees east of the sea. After the War of Wrath, Sindar came from the deluge of Beleriand in the West. Their migration was a great boost to the power and culture of the Nandor. Their language was replaced by Sindarin. The arrival of the Sinda Amdír affected