Value stream mapping Essays

  • Stream Energy Essay

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    Stream Energy is a revolutionary company that offers connected life services to its customers. They started in 2005 by taking the energy industry by storm with their direct selling techniques which have made the customer to company relationship much more personal. Having a face to face conversation with potential customers about the benefits of your products will always trump correspondence through phone and email no matter how advanced technology becomes. Stream has done a great job of taking full

  • Montana Wetlands

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    pollution removal, and so much more. These resources add immense value to those who are lucky enough to call MT home. They are also critical for the water quality and quantity they provide to Montanans and their economy. Unfortunately, the wetland and riparian resources of MT have been negatively affected

  • Essay On Dam Impoundment

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    How to mitigate the problem of damn impoundment to Tor sp Dam impoundments create barriers across rivers that gives negatives impacts on natural fish populations. The dam impoundment can contribute to the disappearance and exticntion of species and also diminished abundance. Tor sp is one of species affected by dam impoundment. Mitigation measures are really need to prevent the problem from arise. A) Construction of fish passage There are three ways of fish migrations. First is upstream, second

  • Cray Fish Lab Report

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    which live in the lake and wetland freshwater habitat have. 2. The adaptive features of animals: i. Adaptation to live in the habitat lack of oxygen A. Crayfish: Crayfish lives in fresh water stream, which is an aquatic environment. The oxygen level in fresh water upper stream is higher than the lower stream, but the oxygen concentration is still low. The gills of crayfish are much bigger than the size at first glance. They occupied under the cephalothorax carapace in branched-shape and provided a

  • Bulimba Creek Case Study

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    diverse species of grasses, forbs (weeds), shrubs, and trees that cover the streambanks and provide shade, land surrounding streambanks generally remains wet throughout most of the year except where streams cut through rocky terrain, Streambanks are more vertical and steep than flat and rounded. Stream water is relatively clear but contains debris from streambanks (leaves, twigs, or logs) that create pools and other habitat for fish and aquatic insects. A diversity of wildlife including fish, aquatic

  • Summary Of Fouling Our Own Nests By Robert Helenon

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    Sharon Lei MCWP 40 029 Jennifer Huerta 15 October 2014 Fouling Our Own Nests Response An individual is composed of more than 60% water. With our bodies consisting of such a large percentage of water, water is vital and essential to everybody’s life. In “Fouling Our Own Nests” by Robert Glennon, Glennon begins his excerpt with a vignette taking place in Lake Havasu, a city that is known for their spring break parties and indulgence of fun. The use of the vignette creates a sense of dirtiness and

  • Lake Eyre Basin Report

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    South Australian Management of Water Lake Eyre Basin Introduction The Lake Eyre Basin is a source of water located in a part of Queensland, South Australia, the Northern Territory and a bit of New South Wales it is 1.2 million square kilometres and it is almost as big as one sixth of Australia. The basin is one of the largest draining basins in the world. It is also home to about 60,000 people who live and work in the basin. The following information report will be explaining about the source water

  • Wet Beaver Creek Lab Report

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    Our experiment was conducted in late January at Wet Beaver Creek. Wet Beaver Creek is located south of flagstaff in the Coconino National Forest. Wet beaver creek has an elevation if 1158 meters, with an average annual precipitation of 16.71 inches, and an average temperature range of 80.8 in July and 43.1 in December. Wet beaver creek features both Perennial and non-Perennial rivers, and is home to many species of trees including sycamore, Juniper, Cottonwood, Alder, Ash, and many more. To test

  • Four Loko: Alcoholic Energy Drink

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    Case Study 1. Identify the situation, and the basic issues presented. • Three friends from Ohio State University formed a company called Phusion Projects, LLC. The company produced Four Loko, an alcoholic/caffeinated beverage that quickly became a favorite drink of college students in the United States. This drink targeted college students who grew up with energy drinks. • This beverage was referred to as an energy drink that contained caffeine and 12 percent alcohol. • Four Loko caused people

  • Stickleback Fish Research Paper

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    stickleback normally spawns in freshwater but lives in the salt-water ocean. Long ago when ice melted and receded, the fish were given new possible places to inhabit and they did, expanding their spawning locations to newly formed streams. Eventually, though, the streams were cut off from the sea and the once salt-water sticklebacks were faced with the problem of being stuck in freshwater with no way to get out.1 The presence of sticklebacks in freshwater lakes today shows that somehow the fish were

  • Congregated Salmon Lab Report

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    This allows for fish who need clear bubbly water to survive better. The difference of dissolved oxygen above and below is only one point difference of the q value. This means that salmon and other fish will be able to live in both places. While looking at the Ph levels of the river it is seen that below the weir has the better value. At a value of 7 it is determined neutral. The water above the weir is considered more acidic. When testing for Nitrates and Phosphates in the river it was shown to be

  • Write An Essay On Alligator Point

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    Alligator Point is a small, unincorporated town that is not well known by most vacationers. Although it is a bit off the beaten path, it holds great allure to those who want a quiet vacation spot that is devoid of the typical frenetic pace that often accompanies other beach towns such as Destin and Ft. Lauderdale, as well as the amusement parks for which Florida is so well known. If you are looking for someplace with more quietude than excitement, visiting the beach at Alligator Point may be just

  • Labeo Umbratus Lab Report

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    The internal and external anatomy of Labeo umbratus Hannah Janse van Vuuren Abstract The anatomy of an Labeo umbratus specimen, found in the Krugersdrif dam, was studied. Annotations of the positions of the internal organs as well as the external morphological characteristics were made. Upon further analysis, several characteristics were identified that would have eased life in aquatic environments. Some of these characteristics include sensory receptors located on the head as well

  • Essay About Drought In Jamestown

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    but they had to cut off two people’s heads to load it. There was also not enough food for all of the colonists. Quoting Dennis B. Blanton, she says “The island is not situated at a point of great natural food abundance. Fish are present in local streams but only in the spring and early summer.”(55)This was a big problem because in the winter they would not have any food. Plus because of the drought, there was no rain which meant no water to water the crops. They also died because they only had one

  • Big Fish Research Paper

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    Minute Lesson White paper (1 piece per student) Pencil (1 per student) Crayons and markers Introduction (5 min) Fishnet (10 min) Food Chain Discussion (5 minutes) Big Fish (30 minutes) Clean Up & Wrap Up: (10 minutes) Swim in the rivers, lakes, streams and every other freshwater habitat of the world to discover nature’s buffet: food chains! NGSS 2-LS4-1 Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats. NGSS 2-ESS2-3 Obtain information to identify where

  • Stumers Reef Research Paper

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    and excrement surveys in order to determine the health of the environment. 1.2 Location Stumers Creek is located in Coolum Beach, on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia. The sub catchment of Stumers Creek covers an area of 13km2. The main stream consists of a southern branch and a northern branch, which drain the town of Coolum Beach and the southern wetland area of Noosa National Park respectively. Both branches of the river join slightly upstream of stumers creek mouth near

  • Conodoguinet Creek Field Observation Report

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    On October 8th, 2015 our class took a field trip to the Conodoguinet Creek to test the water quality. We did 3 experiments to help us conclude the quality. During the first experiment we observed the different types of organisms in the creek. We also took tests for eutrophication in the water. Another experiment we performed were acidity tests. The trip was very informational and educational. The first experiment we did was critter count. We got into groups of 4 or 5 and one person from each

  • Susquehanna River Lab Report Sample

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    eutrophication and acid rain. Eutrophication is nutrient pollution from things like fertilizer. Fertilizers are used to aid the growth of plants, but are very harmful to water quality. Rain can wash away this fertilizer, draining it into nearby streams. The fertilizer accelerates algae growth, blocking light to good plants on the bottom. The bacteria population increases due to the new food source created by the algae. Most of the oxygen

  • Reflective Essay About The Environment

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    not aware of the importance of preventing erosion from the trail. I have many take away this semester not only I have learned about current environmental issue, but also the history of it. Now that I know that someday, we can run out of sources I value than more than ever. During my EACAP project I become more familiar with the causes of erosion and how to prevent it

  • Tsic Lake Lab Report

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    The purpose of this experiment was to take the temperature, pH, secchi disk reading and to collect water samples to calculate the TSI, dissolved oxygen levels and phosphorus and nitrogen levels. These were all collected to determine whether or not the body of water sampled is experiencing turnover, which trophic state it falls into and the nutrient levels. The data included in this report is from the collective data that was collected during the experiment. The data included is presented in table