White tiger Essays

  • The White Tiger Essay

    846 Words  | 4 Pages

    Plagiarism report Grammar report Re-check this text Upload fileProtect your text INTRODUCTION: The writer Arvind Adiga is an Indian born journalist and a native of Chennai (then called Madras). The white tiger tells us about the story of Balram Halwai who is a poor boy and who uses his wit and murder to transform himself into a successful entrepreneur. The book won the prestigious Man Booker Prize for friction in 2008. Born in the dark heart of India, he gets a break when the wealthiest man in his

  • Servant Relationship In White Tiger

    1236 Words  | 5 Pages

    How do a master and a servant form a relationship? Is it through respect? Is it through hatred? Is it through a constant power struggle? In White Tiger this relationships is played out through Bal Ram and Ashok, a servant and a master with a complicated history. We see the relationship played out through the eyes of the servant, and that lends an interesting perspective into the normalcy of servants and masters in India and how this was both a typical, and an unusual, master servant relationship

  • The White Tiger Balram Quotes

    542 Words  | 3 Pages

    In The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga, Adiga writes in a context that has his readers identify his main character Balram’s behavior after becoming a villain from being tired of being a victim in many situations. The novel has readers to concluded weather to side Balram as a villain or just a victim. Appointing a few examples from the award-winning book will allow evidence that Balram at one point was a victim by how is family were taken away from their destiny and how he had admitted to a crime he

  • 'White Tiger Orchids Motifs In Uglies'

    307 Words  | 2 Pages

    White Tiger Orchids: The white tiger orchids are a recurring symbol in the novel Uglies and are relevant to the plot and theme of the story for various reasons. It is a motif due to the fact that it recurs again and again throughout the story at intervals. The orchids show up for the first time when Tally waits for the rangers in a field of the orchids, a second time when the rangers explain to Tally the dangerous nature of the flowers, and final time when Tally and David cross through the desert

  • The White Tiger Poster

    427 Words  | 2 Pages

    During the novel “The White Tiger” Balram Halwai discusses his life and how he became an entrepreneur. During this novel Balram discusses his most wanted poster. He describes this poster first with his appearance, then the crimes the poster says he has committed. As he read the poster he was shocked to see that it labels him a murder. This reaction was not triggered because of the fact that he had murdered someone, but the fact that he had been called a murder by police officers, which he found

  • The White Tiger

    486 Words  | 2 Pages

    entrepreneurial success. The White Tiger is about how formal education shapes individuals. In the beginning of the novel, Balram receives a nickname by the name of “The White Tiger” in the setting of a classroom. The novel reads, “You, young man, are an intelligent, honest, vivacious fellow in this crowd of dogs and idiots. In any jungle, what is the rarest of animals – the creature that comes along only once in a generation? I thought about it and said: the white tiger. That 's what you are, in

  • White Tiger Ideology

    917 Words  | 4 Pages

    after independence but denied its citizens the economic freedom to claw their way out of poverty, Asok, the US educated feudal scion in The White Tiger shudders at the prospect of parliamentary democracy in the hands of half-baked Indians like Balram. Whereas, Balram takes pride in being a half-baked entrepreneur “born and raised in Darkness” (The White Tiger, 10). There are many in India who have not been able to finish their schooling but stuffed with too many half formed ideas picked up randomly

  • Morality In The White Tiger

    1674 Words  | 7 Pages

    Standards of morality are often complex as morality is determined by different social aspects. In The White Tiger written by Aravind Adiga, it’s difficult to judge whether the protagonist Balram’s murder of his master, Mr. Ashok, is either completely moral or immoral, because there are so many circumstances surrounding Balram’s actions. Sacrificing his family’s lives and renouncing all the things that Mr. Ashok has done for him, Balram’s murder of his employer would be considered immoral according

  • Symbolism In The White Tiger

    1685 Words  | 7 Pages

    Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger tells the story of Balram Halwai and how he got away with the murder of his master, Mr. Ashok. A common theme throughout the novel is questioning the validity of religious devotion and the idolization of a servant’s master. In The White Tiger, Balram appears religious when spending time with wealthy, powerful individuals, such as Mr. Ashok, or following Indian traditions, but switches to impious when he is focusing on self-gain. Ultimately, Adiga argues through Balram’s

  • Balram In The White Tiger

    766 Words  | 4 Pages

    Balram, the main protagonist in The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga, tells a story from his perspective of his escape from oppression through any means possible. While corruption and cheating may be problems deeply rooted in the lower class, it nonetheless still prevails within the upper class. Hence, The White Tiger suggests that individuals, whether rich or poor, have to sacrifice their morals and values as they fight ruthlessly for survival within a corrupt society. In a community where money entitles

  • The White Tiger Maoism

    1995 Words  | 8 Pages

    help in accomplishing it: “. . . if there is blood on these streets . . . do you promise that he’ll be the first to go – that man with the fat folds under his neck?” (The White Tiger 132). The conflict between the polar opposites of the haves and the have-nots constitute the superstructures of the Western world. In The White Tiger, it is found transmuting into the orient through globalisation and in the process fashioning out new identities through permutations of totalisation and differentiation

  • Corruption In The White Tiger

    1889 Words  | 8 Pages

    Aravind Adiga is the most significant novelist in the Indian Writing in English. The novel The White Tiger provides a perception of India’s struggle told through a narration from the protagonist, Balram Halwai, a village boy to the Chinese Premier His Excellency Wen Jiabao during seven nights. In detailing Balram’s journey first to Delhi, where he works as a chauffeur to a rich landlord, and then to Bangalore, the place which he flees after killing his master and stealing his money, the novel examines

  • The White Tiger And Persepolis Analysis

    877 Words  | 4 Pages

    One concept that can be compared between the novels we have read so far this semester, The White Tiger and Persepolis is education. The role that education plays in both novels shows a lot about the societies of the time they took place along with the characters. To begin, in The White Tiger, Balram isn’t given the opportunity to gain an education because he needs to begin working to help his cousin. Balram gains intelligence by learning how to make his way through life while not having the book-smarts

  • Social Inequality In The White Tiger

    2011 Words  | 9 Pages

    Introduction Chapter 1 Aravind Adiga who was born on 23 October 1974 is an Indian-Australian writer and journalist. His debut novel, The White Tiger, won the 2008 Man Booker Prize. The novel studies the contrast between India's rise as a modern global economy and the lead character, Balram, who comes from crushing rural poverty. The novel provides a darkly humorous perspective of India’s class struggle in a globalized world as told through a retrospective narration from Balram Halwai, a village boy

  • The White Tiger Short Story

    1344 Words  | 6 Pages

    The White Tiger Soft, quiet footsteps is all that was to be heard at the heart of the jungle as a man quietly walked between rotten branches from the ancient trees. His bow was raised, ready to fire. He was somewhat of a wind, once there now gone, going its own direction. The wind was blowing his way which made this day perfect for hunting. The morning was cold but the sun was already shining. The birds sang their morning song. He was so camouflaged that all that can be seen is the gleaming, sharp

  • Class Discrimination In The White Tiger

    999 Words  | 4 Pages

    “The White Tiger” is a Man Booker Prize (2008) winning book is written by the great Indian writer, Aravind Adiga. This article lets us know how the class discrimination is engulfing the Post Colonial Indian Society under the silent penetration of poverty and corruption. Here, the narrator and protagonist, Balaram Halwai, struggles against his lower class society from the very initial time of his life. His life undergoes with serious sufferings from economical solvency because of being in the lower

  • Globalization In Virginia Woolf's The White Tiger

    1955 Words  | 8 Pages

    raising doubts and questions regarding the young author’s loyalty to his motherland, which is always called into question by critics and reviewers whenever they grow suspicious of an author’s intentions. While a segment of the readers termed The White Tiger a brilliant effort by a first time novelist, his detractors quickly branded him as another India-basher, beating the well-worn path to instant recognition and popularity in the West. Even Western reviewers like Sir Simon Jenkins, former Chairman

  • The White Tiger By Gandhi Language Analysis

    1054 Words  | 5 Pages

    Non Existence of Gandhi words in India is portrayed in Aravind Adiga’s “The White Tiger” Suresh M Assistant Professor, Department of English, Scad College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu, India.627414 Abstract: The objective of this paper is to analyse the existence of Gandhian words in India. In the novel “The white Tiger” Aravind Adiga pictures the non existence of Gandhian words in India. Bribes, Slavery, Prostitution are some of the vices pictures in this novel. This paper compares

  • Rooster Coop In Adiga's The White Tiger

    657 Words  | 3 Pages

    The White Tiger In the novel The White Tiger, Adiga points out at the corrupt Indian society, using the narrator Balram Halwai. Born in a poor village, Balram starts life in the lower caste and rises to the top later in his life. Balram uses the metaphor of the Rooster Coop to explain how oppressed the poor of the India are. Balram knows that he needs to break out of the coop to get from the Darkness to the Light. The Rooster Coop holds back Balram from making his own decisions and succeeding

  • Tiger Lung In Graphic Novel

    565 Words  | 3 Pages

    The graphic novel of Tiger Lung revolves around a shaman named Tiger Lung. It is known that individuals become shamans when they embark on a spiritual journey/quest. This is what allows them to develop the connection they have with spirits and other supernatural forces. Throughout the graphic novel, there are many examples that demonstrate how Tiger Lung performs numerous actions and demonstrate knowledge that are similar to a shaman. Shamans are the only individuals who are able to interact and