Boston Tea Party Essay

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April 19,1775 was when the American revolutionary War happened. Long before the war happened, colonists in North America and British people was enjoying the harmony that the British’s permission for self-ruling, at some level, created the freedom of colonists’ society. Yet these colonies were still be considered as parts of the British empire that they had to obey what the British told them, since it was Britain who settled these colonies in North America, and raised them as raising children. The happy days decayed slowly as the time goes by, more and more conflicts between these two poles had occurred. Since the temporary freedom was given carelessly by Britain, these colonists sure would seize as many opportunities as they can to be independent. …show more content…

If the massacre is not a fair conflict that led the clash between the American colonists and Britain, some might think of Boston Tea Party as the key event. The Massacre was the climax to American colonists, and the Boston Tea Party was the childish, to Britain, protest of these colonists. This protest did anger Britain the great authority. On November 18th, 1773, the ships, which carried nearly 46 tons of tea, was arrived at the Boston Harbour. Under the shadow of the annoying British taxation, colonists decided to ban any goods imported from Britain. A bunch of men who was in Sons of Liberty, disguised as Indians, went and stormed towards the harbor, planning to throw the tea into the bay after he did not agree with their suggestion. They opened all boxes of tea and threw them overboard. The fun thing was that even some members of the crew helped them to destroy the tea. Tea was very important to colonists that they needed for daily life as well as to British. British government reacted to the Boston Tea Party, however, was definitely bust in anger. A short glance at the importance of tea to Britain can have a better understanding of Britain’s angry reaction. Though at first tea did not begin as a necessity for England, it quickly became one. The status of tea swinged from exotic medicine to mass consumed product was fair enough to depict how significant the tea was at that time. Since the tea was the apple in Britain’s eyes, they surely were angry at those

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