Julius Caesar Ambition Essay

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Julius Caesar was a man full of ambition and his ambition led him to his downfall. He believed that he was the man that was destined to make Rome a great place. To make Rome a great nation he went on wars and conquered Gaul. However the senate feared his power and conspired against him. Julius Caesar's vision for Rome, pursuit for victory and his ambition for power intimated the senate and that led to his downfall. First, Julius Caesar believed that he was destined for something greater than Pompey. In the movie he states “ I saw something at that moment not just about myself but about the whole of humankind.” This evidence proves that Caesar had a vision of himself and humankind. In addition Julius Caesar stated “ Pompey has merely done something but im for something”. The quote highlights that Julius was convinced that he was destined to achieve success far greater than Pompey. Julius Caesar formed an alliance with Pompey through marriage and In return Pompey provided Julius with his legions and commission of …show more content…

In the movie Julius stated “ we’re going farther north. There is a lot more Rome out there. just isn’t called Rome yet.” This information reveals just how ambitious Julius was to expand the Rome empire. He spent 10 years away from home to expand Rome and to turn it into an empire. He was a great leader who treated his soldiers fairly and even raised their salary. When his soldiers were losing their hope he would share his visions with them. Julius Caesar voiced “ but I would eat soil, before I give up what we’ve come here to get.” This fact shows that he would eat the dirt before giving up all they have fought for. Julius Caesar was a man of determination and ambition. He proved that he was a man of determination when he made his enemy come to his fort and surrender himself. Julius won the war he had been fighting for 10 years, away from

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