Peer Pressure In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Throughout life you face many challenges of people trying to influence you or pressure you into to situations.The effects can be both positive and negative,depending on the context and the individuals involved.People can be influenced by the internet,their friends,family and many more other things that you face in life. You may be wondering how can assimilation affect someone or something.Assimilation can lead to both interrogation and opportunities for individuals and groups,but it also poses a threat to cultural identity perpetuates power imbalances and to provide my evidence can be supported from these books ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ and ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn By Betty Smith 'different research articles. The effects of peer pressure …show more content…

Another example of peer pressure comes from the other novel ‘A Tree grows in Brooklyn’.In this story Francie and her friends are being pressure by their classmates to steal candy from the local candy story(Smith 256).Even though Francie was smart enough to back out of it and to not be pressured into doing something bad that could get you in trouble.This shows how sometimes it is better for you to back out or stop listening to someone who is trying to pressure you into something that you don’t want to do. Another one of my examples also comes from the story ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn’ by Betty smith. In the story Francie’s brother Neely,is pressured by his friends to join this gang and engage in illegal activities(Smith 350).He gives into it after being pressured and gets involved …show more content…

Now moving away from the books give you some examples from my research websites.The first example is a negative thing from "Conforming Choices: Peer Influence,the most common type of negative pressure is that it can lead to a person engaging in risky behavior.This can include anything from experimenting with drugs or alcohol,to engaging in dangerous activities such as driving recklessly or even just fighting.These behaviors can have serious consequences such as legal trouble,long term injuries or even death depending on how bad it

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