Scott Peterson Case Essay

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A New American Tragedy
In the murder case of Laci Peterson her husband Scott Peterson should have been not guilty. Based off the evidence there should be no way he should have been guilty. I will like to further your understanding by presenting the evidence. The evidence that was discovered was that the cause of the death was undetermined and his alibi. The reasons should provide a stronger view of the case. Scott Peterson is not guilty because there was no evidence to be found to prove that he was.
The case of Laci Peterson is a very interesting. The case is about a woman and her baby being killed by her husband. The reason I chose the cause of death was undetermined is because the autopsy came back with no evidence of how her and the baby …show more content…

This evidence should better my stand of him being not guilty because of the fact of witnesses saying that she was cleaning the house when he was leaving. The evidence also proved that he was not at the scene at the time of the murder. A witness has a description, of a man that she last seen, was homeless and looked scruffy and appeared to be in a van. This piece of evidence should help you understand the reason why I’m reversing the verdict. The people that are saying he’s guilty, will try and counter my point. They will say that the evidence of the killing is undeniable but according to his lawyer there was no evidence. “You want to say his behavior is boorish, we are not going to dispute that, “defense lawyer Mark Geragos said in his opening statement. “But the fact is that this is a murder case and there has to be evidence in a murder case” ( They also will try to add that the evidence is creditable because of the actions of Scott but the fact that the evidence provided does not pin him as a killer will mean that the suspect is not guilty. Even though their evidence was accountable that still doesn’t change the fact that he should not have been

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