Who Is Creon A Tragic Hero

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Living is not easy when you know you caused the death of three loved ones. In the Greek tragedy Antigone, by Sophocles, Creon is the most tragic hero in the play because he has to live with so much guilt and regret which he cannot repent for until he is dead himself, but by then it is too late.
Antigone is a tragic hero because her hamartia was getting locked up in a cave by Creon. When Antigone says ”All these men here would praise me Were their lips not frozen shut with fear of you.” (S. 2, pg. 1083). Sophocles wanted the audience to know that Antigone’s actions were right in the eyes of the gods and the citizens of Thebes. But they were against Creon and his laws. Because of that, Antigone was forced to give up everything including her own life so she could bury her beloved brother. …show more content…

He controlled with fear and Haemon said “It is no city if it takes orders from one voice.” (S. 3, pg. 1091). This proves that Creon only thought what he said was correct. But in the end of the play he regretted all of his wrongdoings. In scene five, page 1101, Creon said ”Come with me to the tomb. I buried her; I Will set her free.” Creon realizes his mistake and is willing to make things right again. The worst part is that he cannot be forgiven by the people whom he has hurt most because they all have committed suicide and are now dead. Creon has to live with this major hole in his heart for the rest of his

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