Taxi Driver

Famous Lines

"One of these days I'm gonna get organizized."

This memorable line is a poignant reflection of Travis Bickle's internal chaos and his struggle with personal direction and discipline. Spoken during a conversation with Betsy, the line humorously underscores his lack of organization in life, but it also hints at his deeper yearnings for structure and purpose. The misspelling of "organized" as "organizized" adds a layer of irony.

"You talkin' to me?"

The iconic "You talkin' to me?" line from "Taxi Driver" is delivered by Robert De Niro's character, Travis Bickle, as he stands alone in his apartment, practicing with his gun in front of a mirror. This moment encapsulates Bickle's isolation, aggression, and descent into madness. The line was actually improvised by De Niro; it did not appear in the script. This scene, emblematic of Bickle's fractured psyche, has become one of the most memorable in film history.

"I'm gonna kill her with a .44 Magnum pistol."

This chilling quote from "Taxi Driver" encapsulates the pivotal moment when Travis Bickle's descent into madness reaches its zenith. Martin Scorsese plays the brooding passenger in Travis Bickle's taxi (he is never named) who unintentionally serves as the catalyst for Bickle's violent transformation by driving him over the edge with his casual talk of murder. The line essentially triggers Bickle's profound rage and disillusionment and his growing obsession with violence. After this sentence is uttered, the rational part of Travis Bickle snaps.