Woodrow Wilson was an influential leader in American history. He served as the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921, and his presidency was marked by progressive reforms that sought to improve conditions for all Americans. During his two terms in office, he passed a number of landmark laws, including the Federal Reserve Act, which established America's modern central banking system; the Clayton Antitrust Act, which strengthened antitrust legislation; and a series of tariff acts that significantly reduced import duties on foreign goods entering the U.S. In addition to these economic initiatives, he also oversaw the passage of several important social welfare programs, such as Child Labor Laws and Women's Suffrage Amendments. His efforts helped shape what would become known as The New Freedom, a period characterized by increased regulation of business practices while simultaneously expanding civil liberties for citizens across the nation.
During World War I, Wilson played an instrumental role in leading America towards victory against Germany and its allies through various diplomatic measures, such as establishing neutral zones between countries at war with one another or negotiating peace treaties after conflict had ended. Afterward, he spearheaded international cooperation efforts like creating the League of Nations, the predecessor to today's United Nations organization, where nations could come together to resolve disputes peacefully without resorting to military interventionism. This approach earned him both admiration abroad and criticism domestically, largely because it opposed traditional isolationist ideals held among many conservatives during this time period. Nevertheless, his legacy remains highly respected even up until the present day, thanks largely to the commitment shown towards progressive reform initiatives throughout his career in public service.