• How Does This Teaching Guide Christians In Their Ethical Behaviour?

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“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-make you so that your whole attitude of mind is changed.” [Romans 12:2]
How does this teaching guide Christians in their ethical behaviour?

Christian adherents are encouraged to follow Jesus' model of agape, to guide their ethical behaviour in order for “God re-make” them to achieve Salvation for access to the Kingdom of Heaven. Ethical teachings in Christianity can be applied to various sexual ethical issues such as adultery, pre-marital sex and contraception. Adherents are encouraged to reject the views of the increasingly secular society to not “let the world around [them] squeeze [them] into its own mould”. By following the teachings on these sexual ethical …show more content…

Christian adherents are taught that sexual intercourse should take place within committed, monogamous relationships, with all denominations believing that sex is only one part of a holistic relationship. However, with the increasingly secular nature of society promoting more liberal views, Churches are struggling to have the desired impact on adherents. The Churches, however, continue to convey to adherents that sexuality is a gift that should not be abused. By creating positive and respectful relationships that reflect Christian teachings adherents will inherit the Kingdom of God as“The kingdom of God is in your midst” Luke 17:20-21]. The Catholic Church applies teachings from a range of sources including the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Aquinas’ Natural Law which state that all sexual activity must be unitive and procreative, along with Pentecostals and Baptists that rely on the literal interpretation of the Bible. However, Liberal Protestants such as the Uniting Church interpret the Bible's teachings in the context in which it was written. Thus, they take a situational approach by applying Jesus’ teaching of agape in the highest authority, as individuals are encouraged to “Love one another.” [John 13:34], in order to achieve Salvation. Therefore, with increasing liberal societal views adherents are encouraged to not “let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould”, but to follow the guidance of ethical teachings on pre-marital

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