10 Things I Hate About Me Analysis

1347 Words6 Pages

Student I’d: U1104492
Novel Title: “Ten things I hate about me”
Section C
Answer A. the main social issue allocated in the novel is about racism and culture difference. Jamie’s dissatisfaction with the lack of freedom and hates her Lebanese Muslim identity and her name Jamilah. She is scared from people by thinking that they will not like her if they know she belongs to Muslim family. The author describes the situation that occurred in the novel clearly shows how racism makes someone so complicit that a girl needs to hide her own character in her school days.
For an example Jamilah explains, “I have hidden the fact that I am of Lebanese Muslim heritage from everybody at school to avoid people assuming if I keep a picture of Osama Bin Laden in the shape of a love heart under my pillow” (Page No. 6).
The book shows the difficulty are fixed in Lebanese Muslim culture, as Jamilah learned to shrug off her internationalized self hatred and her evolving relationship with her strict Muslim father headed family. She spends most of the book feeling down on herself, her family and even her friends who believes in racial prejudice.
Answer B. As because of social discrimination and personal stigma author wanted to provide the main message that every human being has equal rights to be proud of his and her cultural background. As a …show more content…

Initially when I picked and saw this book was having beautiful young girl’s picture with two characters, this made me thought of two different personalities of the same girl. Afterwards I read the title of the book which reflects in my mind what would be the girl with two dissociative identities that she hates ten things about her. I wonder for a time being and had a look on small part of the story. This made me more curious to know the story because the girl was facing with xenophobia, which forced her to hide her Muslim identity. With this purpose, it makes me select and read this novel for an