Essay On Genocide In Rwanda

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Rwanda, April 7 1994. The day that marks the start of a “massacre” that that will last 100 days and end with a death toll of 1,000,000 people. More famously known as “The Rwandan Genocide”, one of the most horrific and ghastly acts of genocides to have happened in recent history. The Hutus planned to exterminate the Tutsis, one of the minority groups in Rwanda. After the 100 day genocide, July 1994, 70% of the Tutsis have unfortunately been exterminated leaving only 30% of the population left. The tutsis weren 't the only race to have suffered the Hutus fury, the Hutus also managed to kill 30% of the Pygmy Batwa. Today, the Rwandan Genocide can be categorized according to the UN Definition of Genocide, because the Hutu majority government killed …show more content…

In 1973, Major General Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, as well as the sole leader of the Rwandan government for the following 2 decades, created a new political party. The National Revolutionary Movement for Development (NRMD). He was then elected as the president of Rwanda under the new and “more civilised” constitution authorised in the year 1978 and later on re-elected 2 more times while he was still the sole candidate, 1983 and 1988. Conflict started to bubble again soon after 1993. In the year 1990, the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) consisting of Tutsi refugees invaded Rwanda from a neighbouring country Uganda. In 1992, Negotiations were held between by the now elected president of Rwanda Juvenal Habyarimana along with the government and the RPF because of a ceasefire. By August 1993, President Habyarimana signed an agreement in Tanzania. The formation of a shared power government between both the RPF and Hutus. This seems like a good agreement, but the Hutu extremists were outraged by this agreement of power sharing, and conflict soon started to bubble up