11 Explain The Decision-Making Process Using Real Life Workplace Examples

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(11a) Explain the decision-making process using a real life workplace example. Identify the benefits and potential problems with group problem solving and decision making. In the decision-making process you have five steps. First you need to, “Define the problem”. In this step my defined problem is that I need to find a job by September even though I’ll still be in my last quarter of school. The second step is to, “Set objectives and criteria”. For this step my objective is to find a job in the health and fitness field and my “must” criteria is to make a minimum of $400 a week. In the third step, “generate alternatives”, I will list as many potential jobs and locations as I can think of to support my objective. I don’t have to have all the information in this step, but I’ll need enough to ensure I can make a good decision. In the fourth step is to then, “Analyze alternatives and select one”. Here I need to analyze the alternatives I generated in step 3 taking into consideration the positives and negatives of each option. It could also be helpful for me in this step to discuss my options with someone else who can provide me with another opinion I may not have thought of. At that point, it’s time to select my choice. The last step is to, “plan, implement the decision, and control”. This is where I need to create my plan of action. It would include actions like …show more content…

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