
11 Facts About Depression In Children

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"Depression in Children--Part I." Harvard Mental Health Letter. Feb. 2002: 1- 3. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 09 Nov. 2015. In the first article, the majority of it talks about how depression is a big contributor to suicide. How in many cases the reason people commit suicide is because they are depressed. It informs you of the warning signs and risk factors of depression. This article also consists of ways to help prevent teen suicide and depression. Ways to help people feel like they are apart of something. Intervening into their life so they have someone. This will help prevent depression which can then lead to depression.
King, Keith A., and Rebecca A. Vidourek. “Teen Depression and Suicide: Ef- fective Prevention and Intervention..." …show more content…

Children who are depressed many time do not have a good home life and do not have anyone to talk to about there feelings. Children/teens have a hard time expressing there feelings and telling people what is wrong. It also tells about the causes and how depression is diagnosed. Sometimes depression can run in the family, it can be a genetic thing. It informs you of the symptoms of depression and what to look for. Especially in children it can be hard to detect signs of depression.
Dosomething.org. "11 Facts About Depression." 11 Facts About Depression. N.p., 24 Feb. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2015. On this website there are specific facts about depression and how it affects you. It shows some good statistics. There are interesting facts that let you see a little bit more about depression and how awful it can be. It states that 1 in 4 young adults will suffer from depression before the age of 24. That is pretty scary to think about, people around you everyday could be seriously depressed and you wouldn’t know because kids/teens often have a hard time showing there feelings. This site also encourages you to stick up for the people who don’t have the courage to stand up for themselves.
Mayo Clinic Staff. "Depression (major Depressive Disorder)." Depression (major Depression). N.p., 22 July 2015. Web. 11 Nov.

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