Childhood Depression Case Study

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summary. Garaigordobil, M., Bernarás, E., Jaureguizar, J., & Machimbarrena, J. M. (2017). Childhood depression: relation to adaptive, clinical and predictor variables. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 821. The article hints that depression is one of the most compelling diseases challenging human life in the contemporary world. Its prevalence rate is shooting yearly among the young populations. Individuals who encounter depression during their childhood and early adolescence are likely to have persistent depressive disorder during their adulthood. Childhood depression is an issue of significant concern since it challenges the wellbeing and development of children and it may project severe consequences in adolescence and adulthood. Multiple factors are attributed to depression in children and these include interpersonal relations, self-esteem or anxiety. Children need to engage in interactions with social groups. This is because the positive social interaction is significant for the psychological and physical well-being of a child. Children who experience peer interaction problems are likely to portray depression symptoms. Anxiety is closely linked to childhood depression. Garaigordobil et al. (2017) observed …show more content…

As such, children develop a negative attitude to school as a result of depression. They develop a feeling of dissatisfaction and dislike towards teachers. They have strange behaviors in that they develop bizarre ideas to their peers, sudden mood swings and obsessive thoughts. Depressed children have an external locus of control to their actions. They tend to associate their temperament and weird behaviour with actions of other individuals. They develop shyness and tendency to avoid interacting with other individuals. Depressed children tend crying easily, sadness, apathy and lack of pleasure in