
12 Disciple Research Paper

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As we all probably know, the twelve disciples were ordinary men who served Christ up to his Crucifixion. These disciples, or apostles if you will, really laid the foundation of Jesus Christ’s church. Several disciples even wrote important portions of the Holy Bible. I believe it is extremely evident that God includes great importance when it comes to these twelve men. While these men were not perfect like Christ himself, they still fulfilled his messages and teachings with amazing efficiency for that time period. Jesus loved and trusted in these twelve disciples. The twelve disciples overcame many hardships while serving Jesus Christ, and even though they were ordinary men, they performed many miracles with the help of the Holy Spirit.
To get an idea of who these twelve men were, I need to go over some of their common occupations. John was a fisherman alongside his brother and father. Together, they fished the Sea of Galilee. John’s brother was James, who was also a disciple, and his father’s name was Zebedee. Peter was also a fisherman by occupation, he too fished the Sea of Galilee. Peter lived in a fishing town call Capernaum. Peter was also a natural spokesperson and the leader of the early …show more content…

As recorded in Acts of the Holy Bible, Peter rose Dorcas, also know as Tabitha, from the dead. Dorcas died of a sickness, her family had previously washed her and laid her in an upper room. They had heard that Peter was in Joppa, so they sent for him (The Holy Bible...) When Peter arrived, the Holy Bible states," 39 Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into an upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and showing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them." (Acts 9:39) Peter knelt and prayed and Dorcas opened her eyes and sat up. Peter took Dorcas by her by her hand and she

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