15 Miracle Workers Case Study

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If I could choose any of the fifteen miracle workers, I would have to go with Rocky Fellah. Rocky Fellah would guarantee that I would become very wealthy, and that I would make millions in weeks. I could accomplish almost any task by having the amount of money he would lead me to gain. I realize money is not everything, and it will not lead to having a better chance at gaining eternal life. Many of the other miracle workers could service me greatly, but not as greatly as Rocky Fellah has the power to service me. The best part about being serviced by one of these fifteen services provided for me is that there is no risk involved, because it is 100% effective. Rocky Fellah ensuring that I would gain millions of dollars in weeks, would help me accomplish most tasks that I want to achieve during my lifetime. For example, I would not have to ever worry about bills, mortgage payments, or car notes, during my entire life span. The millions of dollars would help me achieve my goal of going to college out-of-state, which cost a lot more than going to college in-state. If I were to make millions of dollars in weeks, there are not very many problems I could have, and the problems that I would still have, would become miniscule. While money does would not solve all of …show more content…

I make this statement, because the service he provides me with, I could use to accomplish a lot of the other services that the other miracle workers offer. For example, making millions of dollars would ensure me popularity, which is the service “Pop” Larity offers. Also, the service Dwight D. DeGawl provides, which is ensuring that I would be looked up to, listened to, and respected by others around me, would also be solved by Rocky Fellah’s service. Although I do not want it to be true, with money comes a lot of respect, and most people who are rich are looked up