Major Battles of the American Revolution 1776. Any American who has studied American history should recognize this date instantly. On July fourth of that historic year, America declared her independence from Great Britain. However, this world changing statement did not surprise everyone involved. As a matter of fact, this revolution had been in the works for many years. Slowly but surely, a general resentment of and eventual anger towards England steadily grew among the colonists. Once Britain began to crack down and heavily enforce the Navigation Acts and other similar laws, Americans decided they had had enough. In 1776, prominent revolutionaries convened in a Continental Congress. Among the names present at the Continental Congress, which eventually passed the Declaration of Independence, were such legends as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, to name a handful. With the Declaration signed, the members of the Congress placed their lives and danger and shoved America closer to freedom. Unfortunately, though, the road to independence possessed multiple obstacles which led Britain to assume victory early on. Only later into the war did the …show more content…
Aforementioned General Cornwallis fortified his troops inside the city and patiently awaited the British fleet, which he assumed would come to their rescue. Sadly, for Cornwallis, this was not the case, for the French had come to the aid of America and had just achieved their first, and only, major naval victory by decimating the fleet Cornwallis was awaiting. With no other alternative, the British General and his forces engaged in a siege which ultimately ended with British surrender. Undoubtedly, with their General defeated the remaining redcoats across America would realize the futility of their further resistance and indeed they did. George Washington emerged a hero and America emerged as an independent