1877 To Present Day Research Paper

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The Development of America from 1877 to Present Day In 1877, after the Civil War, everyday life consisted of the standard of living going up, people’s income going up, and the cost of living going up at a faster rate than the rest. During this time, many cultural developments took place such as mass transportation. The South had to almost completely reconstruct itself while over 21.5 million immigrants migrated to America. From 1877 to present day, the development of industrialization, expansionism, progressivism, isolationism, and globalization all took place in America, however, each of them took place under different circumstances and different time periods. Industrialization is the period of time where everything is becoming mechanized. For example, OpenStax history book writes, “The rise of big business had turned America into a culture of …show more content…

Without any one of these 5 periods of time, America would not look the same as it does today. However, all of these events were also drastically different, and they occurred at vastly different time periods. For example, industrialization and globalization happened decades apart, and industrialization mainly focused on inventions and occurred right after slavery ended, while globalization focused on racial equality. Also, although expansionism, progressivism, and isolationism all occurred around the same time, they have three completely different meanings. Expansionism was America growing geographically, progressivism was America expanding its’ safety policies and the first step towards gender equality, and isolationism was America’s way of staying out of other countries business to protect its’ people. Industrialization, expansionism, progressivism, isolationism, and globalization are the foundation of the development of America from 1877 to present