1920s Ballet Research Paper

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History of Ballet in the United States during the 1920sKatelin MakowskyTopic: History of Ballet in the United States during the 1920sQuestion: How did Ballet impact the United States during the 1920s?Thesis: It wasn’t until the 1920s and 1930s that Ballet started to be considered a serious art in the United States.https://www.paperrater.com/ticket/ae49e3ca7af592eca32d3de3c-dafe36d62bcb8cbe7defb5dfb0323ea9?print=true Ballet originated in Italy, 1459, but it wasn’t recognized until King Louis XIV (14th) appeared in France in the 1700s. In America, when it came to Ballet during the 1920s, they only had the companies from Europe and Russia that would tour to the states.1 “America's freedom and stability served as an incentive for dancers to dance for American audiences, who - by this time - were hungry for beautiful ballets, about 30 years after its first arrival.” World War 1 was the start of when Russian ballet artists started traveling to America, and World War 2 also brought many famous ballet artists. …show more content…

The writer for Dance Magazine, John Gruen, states that America was a “balletic wasteland”. At that time, the United States had only been visited by European dancers and touring ballet companies. When George Balanchine was invited to America, he had formed the first ballet company in 1934,The School of American Ballet, which would then be later called the New York City Ballet. He was one of the first great influences of Ballet in America. 2“Are the first real advance in the third great dramatic movement of the world. First came the Greeks, then Shakespeare, and now comes the new