1930s America Research Paper

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In the 1930s, the United States was going through the Great Depression that began with a collapse of the stock market. The economy of America immediately fell into a devastating disaster. At that point, a country overwhelmed with disappointment, crushed nation, both emotionally and financially, needed hope and some distraction from an unpromising feature. It is little wonder that exactly at that proper time in American history the phenomenon of a superhero was born. The phenomenon was a result of a nation`s struggle in the aftermath of Great Depression. The era itself began in 1938 when DC Comics published a very first comic book. The business was growing rapidly, exerting subtle influence on American young generation about the identification …show more content…

America is an immigrant society built in a brief timespan. One of the most distinguishing features of the American society is its nationalization and formation of national culture after the establishment of the country. Therefore, unlike a traditional formation of some other countries, the political situation, economic size and social structure of the United States have changed dramatically after the foundation of the country. On the other hand, the myth, an integral part of every nation`s identity that usually describes it overall culture and enrichment of its cultural and traditional value, has been absent. In the late 1930s, however, the United States began to liberate itself from the Great Depression and move past its consequences. After World War II until the 1970s, the development of the United States has been increasing all the time. The national power and cultural confidence reached an unprecedented peak. At this point, the most simple and effective way to describe the American society, culture, and spirit was creating a national legend and myth. French philosopher, Roland Barthes, said that “myth has the task of giving a historical intention a natural justification, and making contingency appear eternal” (142). According to his quote, the super heroic mythology is used to permanently preserve the high point of American history, making it timeless. The stories of superheroes express …show more content…

A lack of ancient history and mythology has resulted in appearance of a superhero phenomenon as an attempt to create a unique mythology. Due to this Americans feel more enthusiastic about their superheroes comics and the ideas and values they represent. Alex S. Romagnoli wrote that “superhero stories reflect the dominant culture`s prevailing perceptions of what makes a hero noble. Superheroes, being a uniquely American concept, then reflect what American culture considers the most estimable qualities in a person” (9). The first comics depicted white European middle-class male characters, then adding other female roles as well as characters of other nationalities. The social classification in superhero comics is also gradually spread out from different levels. Superman, the first superhero that was ever created, was battling evil and protecting the weak. Just like an average American at that time he faced societal problems and battled the injustices of that time. The features that Superman possesses were desirable in every man at the time: noble and fearless hero who would not stop before anything in order to bring justice and peace. In reality Superman was fighting the social situation that came with the end of Great Depression and was an embodiment of what every American was hoping for. In retrospective though,