
1984 Analytical Essay

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Within George Orwell’s 1984 novel, there is a seemingly pessimistic attitude towards society among the myriad of different predictions regarding the future and the possibilities of a totalitarian government. The time period of Orwell’s life during World War II and the totalitarian, controlling governments of the Soviet Union and newly created North Korea were most likely the main motivation for his predictions. Following closely to the template given to him by these governments, Orwell created a totalitarian regime in 1984, filled with extreme misinformation, propaganda, and control of the society of Oceania (Britannica). Winston Smith, the protagonist of 1984, had hoped to achieve a better future, but was never able to complete this because …show more content…

The Supreme Leader system is identical to Orwell’s depiction of Big Brother, who is the center of the Party in Oceania and is “always watching you,” (1.1.2). North Korea relies on heavy propaganda that glorifies the government and strips people of their power. The Supreme Leader system and Cult of Personality encourages and forces rules upon its citizens that require them to follow the commandments of Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong Un. In propaganda posters and television shows, the North Korean government emphasizes the importance of military and total commitment to the military, depicting the United States and South Korea as enemies. From “cradle-to-grave,” indoctrinating ideologies and propaganda are being pushed into North Korean citizens. Noel Kim, an escaped North Korean, depicts memories of propaganda that made her believe the low quality of life with food shortages and lack of electricity was normal and emphasized the idea that North Korea is a utopia and the best country to live in (Liberty in North

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