1984 And 1984 Comparison

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In dystopian society, technology, social manipulation, and control are all factors used to maintain oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society, even at the expense of universal human values. The film Metropolis by Fritz Lang and the novel 1984 by George Orwell offer a variety of social and political perspectives that allow the audience to gain insight into the oppression of freedom, truth and love within their context. Both address loss of these values within society through control and oppression, but they differ in perspective, due to the contrasting views of each composer. Lang made Metropolis during the era of the Weimar Republic. This was the country's first attempt at creating a democracy in the very difficult years following the first world war, as he tapped into Germany's power struggles, issues of poverty and conflict. Orwell conversely reflects upon the rise of Communism and Fascism in Europe, warning against despotic governments. Orwell wrote the novel 1984, post-World War 2 and equally reflects upon the rise of communism and fascism in Europe, warning …show more content…

In 'Metropolis' the influences of Maria acts as catalysts for rebellion in dichotomous methods, where Maria advocates peace and False Maria alludes to the "Whore of Babylonian" and the "Seven Deadly Sins". The recurring motif " the mediator between the head and the hands must be the heart" prompts Rotwang to create a perfect human for capitalistic gains. This becomes a downfall when Cyborg Maria calls upon libidinal forces, the workers, to send "death to the machines", foreboding potential cataclysm based on Lang's contextual observations of Weimar Regime. False Maria represents the amalgamation of machine and manifests the hubris of man. Thus, Lang's portrayal of robots depicts the fear of social manipulation with technological advancements and its use during rebellious