
1984 By George Orwell Essay

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During his active years of being a writer, George Orwell has made many poems, short stories, and books. It has created a perspective where not everything can have a happy ending. His works include many literary devices such as for example allusion, irony, and foil that assist the reader going through the journey the protagonists have embarked on. It has gone beyond the limits of what an average story line contains such as the protagonist saving the day and in the aftermath everything going back to normal. Overall, because of it is a unique strategy, readers can have a more of an idea of how sinister humanity can be. They can also realize that there is not a big difference compared to the real world. Orwell leave his readers wanting more of his diabolical, revealing ways of showing what he has …show more content…

In comparison to other literary works, Orwell had his own twists to differ from the stereotypical happily ever that engaged his readers. As a matter of fact, one of the literary devices used in his works is allusion. In 1984, allusion was mentioned as follows, “Winston could not definitely remember a time when his country had not been at war, but it was evident that there had been a fairly long interval of peace during his childhood, because one of his early memories was of an air raid, which appeared to take everyone by surprise. Perhaps it was the time when the atomic bomb had fallen on Colchester. He did not remember the raid itself.”(Orwell 32) For this statement an expert named Edward Quinn responded, “The periodic buzz bombs (V-1, V-2) that fell on England in 1944-1945 (one of which destroyed the Orwell’s flat while they were absent) left many londoners with the sense that the war would never end. In Nineteen eighty four it never does.”(Quinn). The war happening in the book was what happened in the real world not so long ago. Orwell took what had took place in not so long ago in the real world and created the same situation

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