1984 Winston And Julia Character Analysis

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Orwell develops the characters of winston and julia very deliberately through their interactions, dialogue and actions. Winston's character is developed as very anxious. Julia is shown to be extremely cautious. Together they make the relationship very furtive. Winston smith is an anxious character. Evidence of this runs rampant in the text. When Winston speaks to Julia the conditions of anxiety are mentioned, “...with a thundering heart , Winston was sitting at the girls table” a thundering heart, or an erratic heartbeat is evidence of high levels of anxiety. This is because when you get anxious your body senses danger and causes you heart to try to pump blood to react to the situation. His dialogue with Julia during this scene is also very tense and anxious. When speaking with her Winston keeps his voice and face down as to avoid suspicion. “In a low murmur winston began speaking. Neither of them looked up;”. Another example of his anxiety is when he believes that …show more content…

She seems to know the inner workings of Big Brother and uses this knowledge to get around his restrictions. She quite obviously has the experience needed to accomplish what her and winston do. When she speaks to winston she is very specific with how he is to avoid suspicion. She tells him “ It doesn't matter if there's a crowd”. This quote is proof that she knows the best way to hide is in plain sight. It is proof that she has gotten around Big Brothers rules before. Julia is very cautious when she defies Big Brother. She shows how cautious she is when discussing routes to their meeting spot,”I'll get there another way”. This shows that she has knowledge of what paths that are safe, or what she believes is safe. She actively learns routes to avoid detection. The extent she goes through amazes Winston: “ with a sort of military precision that astonished him, she outlined the route that he was to follow.” The knowledge she possesses is essential to their