203 Concepts Essay

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Throughout 203 students were provided with a wide range of concepts, this can be seen as our “toolkit” of concepts(CITE LeCTURE). When reflecting on the various concepts throughout this semester, one must be able to inter relate concepts to help further their knowledge throughout the course. A concept that stood out to me was the thesis of the culture industry, so my initial question leading me to choose the three concepts that I did was, “with what concepts can I build a relationship, with the idea of the culture industry, and then how can I relate these concepts to the ongoing theme of 203 which is, Communication and Power”. This essay will identify, define, and illustrate the concept of ideology, Hegemony, commodification, and the culture …show more content…

After developing a strong analysis of the concepts developed by Marx, Engle’s, Horkheimer’s and Adorno, it can be shown that ideology, Hegemony, commodification, and the culture thesis can be interrelated to each other and the theme of communication and power.
According to Marx and Engle’s the notion of ideology can be demonstrated through, ideology as false consciousness and dominant ideology. Marx and Engle’s theory of ideologies is built upon how, how ideas, and power intersect with economic power(CITE LEC). The base of knowledge that their theory is built upon can be related to the re occurring theme of communication and power. Ideology as false consciences can be characterized by the opinion that, the reality of class exploitation is hidden from us(CITE LEC). According to Marx, false consciences can be defined as how the proletariat views society, does not correspond with how society functions(CITE LEC). History being hidden from the public can be used as an to illustrate the concept of ideology as false consciousness(CITE). An example students were provided with in class was from works of Shawn Wallace’s “The Fever”. Wallace uses the idea of a coat to demonstrate how history is hidden